本书的作者是Sean A Williams肖恩·威廉姆斯,书的副标题:用ChatGPT解锁人工智能的力量:高效有效编码的综合指南。书籍内容主要ChatGPT编码基础(编码概念、数据类型和变量、函数和控制结构、输入输出操作、面向对象编程)、使用ChatGPT调试代码、ChatGPT的高级编码技术、将ChatGPT与其他工具和框架集成、ChatGPT在编码中的实际应用、使用ChatGPT编码时要避免的最佳实践和陷阱、ChatGPT在编码中的结论与展望。适合中高级专业技术人员参考学习使用
2023-09-18 08:44:09 11.12MB 人工智能 软件/插件
C++ Concurrency In Action Practical Multithreading 作者:Anthony Williams 译者:陈晓伟 年份:2017-2018 本书概述 对《C++ Concurrency in Action》的中文翻译。 本书是基于C++11新标准的并发和多线程编程深度指南。 有书签,文字版。
2022-08-02 15:46:58 5.12MB C++并发 C++11 并发技术
A full-color clinical reference covering both common and uncommon blood disorders – referenced to the world’s leading hematology textWilliams Manual of Hematology, Ninth Edition provides a quick-access summary of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis, and therapy of blood cell and coagulation protein disorders.  The 93 chapters of the Manual are a distillation of the disease- and therapy-focused chapters from the Ninth Edition of Williams Hematology. The book has been carefully edited to deliver only the most clinical point-of-care facts, making differential diagnosis faster, easier, and more efficient.Concise but comprehensive, this complete guide includes sections on:• Initial Clinical Evaluation• Disorders of Red Cells• Disorders of Granulocytes• Disorders of Monocytes and Macrophages• Principles of Therapy for Neoplastic Hematological Disorders • The Clonal Myeloid Disorders• The Polyclonal Lymphoid Diseases• The Clonal Lymphoid and Plasma Cell Diseases• Disorders of Platelet and Hemostasis• Disorders of Coagulation Proteins• Thrombosis and Antithrombotic Therapy• Transfusion and Hemapheresis ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-11-23 15:06:38 13.35MB 英文
Matlab集成的c代码高斯过程回归和分类工具箱 版本4.2。 对于GNU Octave 3.2.x和Matlab 7.x 版权所有(C)2015-2018-Carl Edward Rasmussen 版权所有(C)2015-2018-Hannes Nickisch 如何阅读 如果您想立即开始使用,请阅读下面的第1)节,并直接跳至doc / index.html中的示例。 关于这些计划 matlab程序的此集合实现并演示了在其中描述的一些算法 a)Rasmussen和Williams的书:“高斯机器学习过程”,麻省理工学院出版社,2006年 b)Nickisch和Rasmussen的文章:“二元高斯过程分类的近似”,JMLR 2008 c)Candela和Rasmussen的文章:“稀疏近似高斯过程回归的统一观点”,JMLR,2005年 d)Murray,Adams和Mackay撰写的论文:“椭圆切片采样”,AISTATS 2010 e)Neal的报告:“重要重要性抽样”,多伦多,1998年 f)Naish-Guzman和Holden的论文:“广义FITC近似”,NIPS,2007年
2021-11-04 10:48:47 8.37MB 系统开源
商务统计 中文版 sweeney williams anderson 原书中文版翻译
2021-09-12 19:42:05 9.87MB 商务统计 中文版 sweeney williams
MATLAB时频分析工具箱,Choi-Williams 时频变换等,可用于对信号进行时频分析。
2021-07-30 14:47:27 2.15MB MATLAB 时频分析 工具箱 Choi-Williams
Microcontroller projects are ubiquitous in the hobbyist/hacker/Maker world, and with good reason. Microcontrollers stand directly in the middle ground between the hardware world of buttons, motors, and lights and the software world of algorithms, connectivity, and infinite possibility. Microcontrollers are part computer and part electrical component. They can also be the metaphorical glue between the real world and the virtual world.
2021-06-24 15:49:50 48.22MB AVR Arduino
We appreciate the enthusiastic response to the original book, Analog Circuit Design: A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions. The acceptance of this book emphasizes the need for making good circuit design applications accessible. These writings on applications ill a vacuum, since the majority of application notes and magazine articles do not have suficient depth to teach analog design. At the time I learned analog design, there were not yet any analog ICs. Circuits were all transistorized (maybe some tubes) and the circuit explanations in magazines and books were more complete than many are today. In those days equipment manuals included schematics for repair. I was fortunate to work at a large company with a huge calibration lab for their equipment. I spent many lunch hours perusing the calibration and repair manuals for analog systems. I thank HP, Tektronix and many other companies for their tutorials on analog circuit design that I discovered in the calibration lab. It is interesting to note that Jim Williams in his early years at MIT spent much time repairing electronic test equipment that was nonfunctional. Today’s manuals are more sparse.
2021-05-26 15:53:28 92.81MB Analog Circuit
The fundamental difference between analog and digital is ‘‘information.’’ With digital information the output is always the same: a set of ones and zeros that represents the information. This information is independent of the supply voltages or the circuitry that is used to generate it. With analog, the output information is basic electrical values—volts, current, charge—and is always related to some real world parameters.With analog, the methodology used to arrive at the answers is intrinsic to the quality of those answers. Errors such as temperature, noise, delay and time stability can all affect the analog output and all are a function of the circuitry that generates the output. It is this analog output that is difficult to derive and requires experience and circuit design talent.
2021-05-24 14:02:19 123.26MB Analog Circuit