☆ 资源说明:☆ [Syngress] X-Ways 法医从业者指南 (英文版) [Syngress] X-Ways Forensics Practitioner's Guide (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ The X-Ways Forensics Practitioner's Guide is more than a manual-it's a complete reference guide to the full use of one of the most powerful forensic applications available, software that is used by a wide array of law enforcement agencies and private forensic examiners on a daily basis. In the X-Ways Forensics Practitioner's Guide, the authors provide you with complete coverage of this powerful tool, walking you through configuration and X-Ways fundamentals, and then moving through case flow, creating and importing hash databases, digging into OS artifacts, and conducting searches. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Brett Shavers, Eric Zimmerman [出版机构] Syngress [出版日期] 2013年08月28日 [图书页数] 264页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
2022-11-08 09:18:15 11.67MB X-Ways
冒泡排序法的matlab程序代码02-DataVis-5ways 作业 2 - 数据可视化,5 种方法 对于这个作业,我选择使用 excel、d3(javascript)、matplotlib(python)、tableau 和 bubblechart(matlab)。 D3 - javascript D3 是一个库,用于以编程方式在 javascript 中创建 html 元素以创建主要数据可视化。 我们在网上提供了我想要的散点图示例,并且非常容易重新创建,尤其是使用 d3 csv 读取。 创建轴标签很难正确对齐。 电子表格 Excel 是一种常用的桌面应用程序,用于管理和显示数据。 这尤其困难,因为没有涉及编码,而且我不得不手动为图表提供制造商的所有数据,因为 excel 会解析您的意图。 Matplotlib - Python Python 是一种流行的编程数据,用于各种通用编程和数据科学。 我已经熟悉 matplotlib、numpy 和 pandas,所以我能够非常快速地解析 csv 并直接进行绘图。 字符串所在的颜色因此在颜色方面相当有限。 表 Tableau 也是我以前从
2022-05-07 22:49:24 569KB 系统开源
由取证组组长Sprite撰写,两栖编整的X-ways Forensics快速入门打印版本。 用WinDjView程序打开X-Ways forensics快速入门即可
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2021-11-06 09:00:14 58.96MB 取证 X-Ways XWFIM
X-Ways Forensics 只有正式用户才可下载的文档。 它包含以下文件: DevIL.dll File Type categories.txt Zip.dll Reg Report Keys.txt rar.dll
2021-10-28 15:32:49 546KB X-Ways Forensics 正式用户的 文档
2021-10-20 22:00:13 66.72MB CTF
The author breaks down design patterns into bite sized chunks that are easy to understand and easily digestible (no filler/jargon). This book has been passed around to many of my UX colleagues with the common feedback string being "this guy gets it - he's put as much thought into the context (pattern, rules) as he has to to the content (detail, result)".Truly a great tool.Digital Design Essentials takes a practical, highly accessible approach to creating graphical user interface designs for desktop, mobile, and touch screen devices. Written by an expert in the realm of digital design, this comprehensive, step-by-step guide demonstrates how to apply design principles in a variety of desktops, web pages, mobile devices and other touchscreens. Filled with straightforward strategies in a visual format, it's an essential volume for any designer working in the digital realm.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-10-18 16:58:58 23.68MB 英文
为您提供x-ways forensics下载,x-ways forensics是一款为计算机取证分析人员提供的一个综合的取证分析软件,使用这款x-ways forensics可以让你在进行取证分析的过程中不再被其他因素影响,马上下载使用吧。基本简介  X-Ways Forensics 是为计算机取证分析人员提供的一个功能强大的、综合的取证、分析软件,可在 Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/2012/10操作
2021-08-10 13:00:26 1.4MB 网络安全 数据恢复