1. 网上至少有3个不同原理的补丁; 2. 只有这个补丁完美破解,且支持最新版; 3.测试了一个下午反复的安装卸载重启; 4..没人回复都是呵呵去了。不能使用请留言说明自己系统版本;避免浪费后人积分;鄙视无聊黑贴之人
2024-01-17 19:03:29 8.87MB Fences v3.0.3 最新2017
Archiver For Mac v3.0.3 MacOS系统下,功能强大的压缩解压工具 Windows系统用户不要下载!!
2024-01-11 21:49:34 128B Archiver MacOS 压缩解压工具
wp-rocket是WordPress专业的本地缓存的神器,可以优化你的JS CSS文件结构减少多次请求达到优化速度的目的,还集成了图片延迟加载对最求极致加速的用户不错的选择,通过使用这个插件,能使得你的WordPress博客将显著的提速。 WP Rocket缓存插件是当前最高效也是最灵活的WordPress静态缓存插件。可以优化你的JS CSS文件结构减少多次请求达到优化速度的目的,还集成了图片延迟加载对最求极致加速的用户不错的选择,通过使用这个插件,能使得你的WordPress博客将显著的提速。 缓存创建一个超快速的加载时间,对于提高搜索引擎优化和提高转换至关重要。当您打开WP Rocket,页面缓存被立即激活。 因为我们的抓取工具模拟浏览预加载缓存,您的网站被搜索引擎索引的时间瞬间提高。 当访问者向下滚动页面,图像才加载,提高页面的加载时间。 YouTube和Facebook,雅虎等各大网站都采用这种技术。现在,你也可以做到。
2023-02-23 22:32:35 1.37MB WP Rocket 插件 缓存
unity游戏序列化编辑器插件Odin - Inspector and Serializer v3.0.3
2022-07-08 18:12:29 2.73MB Unity插件 Odin
2022-04-19 22:25:16 1.02MB MPAndroidCha jar
2022-03-21 10:33:21 17.26MB STM32 IAP DfuSe_Demo
Script Inspector 3 was a finalist in the 2015 Unity Awards! Si3 is an advanced IDE (a Code Editor) for scripts, shaders, and text assets, seamlessly integrated inside the Unity Editor. Si3 comes with context sensitive auto-completion for C# scripts and a rich set of additional tools, key bindings and mouse handling. Si3 will blow your mind – it’s that fast!!! Si3 features a custom made advanced C# parsing and code analysis engine! Thanks to its novel approach to code analysis (a hybrid of .Net’s Reflection and incremental syntactic and semantic analysis techniques) Si3 can easily outperform any other IDE (yes, including Visual Studio!)… Files open instantly! Code changes are reflected instantly in its internal data structures, in the parse tree, and in the type model with symbol tables. Changes are then instantly reflected back to all your scripts… You will enjoy Unity as never before! Programming in Unity now with Si3 is a very smooth, fluent, and pleasant experience. =) Programmers can finally focus on their tasks instead of waiting for (and sometimes fighting with) the external IDE’s to run, load the correct script, or jump to the correct line. Main features: – Automatic code completions for C#, a.k.a intellisense – Customizable code snippets – Code generators for Unity magic methods – Code generators for override methods – Auto-closing braces – Auto-indent – Automated saving and reloading – Quick inspection of static fields and properties – Inspection of MonoBehaviour fields and properties – Easily execute parameterless static methods – Unlimited and independent undo and redo buffers per asset – Quick call-stack navigation to Console log entries – Code symbols and #region navigation – Go To Definition – Find All References with filtering – Unity Scripting Reference – MSDN Reference for .Net symbols – Cursor history navigation – Search / Quick Search / Find in Files – Replace in Files with preview and selections – Global Undo/Redo after Replace in Files – S
2021-11-01 20:05:36 99B unity
2019-12-21 20:33:49 348KB MPAndroid Chart v3.0.3 jar
这是Lucene.NET v3.0.3 DEMO范例程序(含PanGu分词),用C#语言编写的,同时对PanGu分词进行了整合,可以直接下载运行。 项目中还整理了一个后台任务线程监听范例,可以用作增量索引创建,但这个需要你自行加入相关具体的适合自己的代码…… 对了,这是基于.NET MVC的范例项目。
2019-12-21 20:26:58 15.96MB Lucene.NET v3.0.3 PanGu