COLMAP 三维重建应用作者的博士论文,对理解 COLMAP 的实现过程有非常大的帮助,推荐阅读。
2022-02-14 01:18:26 64.03MB COLMAP SfM 三维重建
USSD(Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)是一种操作简便、服务扩展性强的移动网的补充业务。它提供多次交互、快捷的无线数据业务。由于目前终端对USSD的支持情况不一致,影响USSD业务的应用和推广,因此制定中国移动USSD业务终端技术规范。
2022-01-02 20:18:20 14.43MB ussd
Abstract A review of automatic unstructured grid generators is given. These types of grids have found widespread use in computational fluid dynamics, computational structural dynamics, computational electro-magnetics and computational thermodynamics. The following topics are treated: the methods most commonly used, the specification of desired element size/shape and surface definition/meshing. Finally, the use of automatic grid generators as an enabling technology for moving body simulations and adaptive remeshing techniques is discussed. Keywords: Unstructured grid generation; Finite elements; Triangular and tetrahedral meshes
2021-11-25 10:46:15 1.32MB unstructured grid
The 2d codes for unstructured CFD solver. Please download it. This file includes the codes on DOC and Unix, please choose the right codes based on your operate system.
2021-10-27 08:43:20 1.45MB unstr2d (2d codes for
使用 .msh(FLUENT) 格式作为输入的二维不可压缩非结构化 CFD 求解器线性迎风方案用于对流以获得更好的精度使用过度松弛方法来提高高度非正交网格的稳定性预测器校正方法用于使用 SIMPLE 算法求解 Naviour Stokes 方程附上测试用例的结果
2021-10-27 08:39:32 44.54MB matlab
2021-04-23 14:03:36 44.79MB CFD
CMU 95-865:非结构化数据分析 该存储库包含卡内基梅隆大学的课程的课程。 本课程是CMU亨氏学院一部分。
2021-04-19 10:40:31 24.75MB JupyterNotebook
修改datax源码plugin-unstructured-storage-util下的UnstructuredStorageReaderUtil.class 加上一个判断,因为在hdfs中,null值存储的是 \N ,所以需要把它转换成 null存储到Mysql中
2019-12-21 22:25:03 35KB datax java \N