A simple two-step synthesis of Fe2O3 hollow micro spheres and their magnetic properties,Ni Shibin,Pan Qingtao ,Fe2O3 microspheres with core-shell structure have been synthesized by a simple two-step method of hydrothermal synthesis and subsequent annealing. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns
2024-02-24 08:39:00 966KB 首发论文
AlexNet上的两步量化 这是的演示。 用法: 将源文件复制到caffe的目录中,然后构建caffe。 下载。 ./build/tools/caffe test -model test_2_ternary.prototxt -weights caffe_2_ternary.caffemodel -iterations 1000 -gpu 0
2021-11-13 10:52:27 22KB C++
2021-06-09 18:04:04 3KB two-step 聚束 spotlight SAR
Modifying the surface of poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA) with toluene during the high-speed spin-coating process of dimethylformamide considerably improves the wettability and morphology of PTAA and results in improvement of the crystallinity and absorption of perovskite film. The hole mobility and ohm contact have also been improved accordingly. Combined with these improved parameters, inverted perovskite solar cells with high efficiency of 19.13% and long-term stability
2021-02-03 23:50:32 3.03MB