介绍 目的 本指南描述了用于设置和执行OpenFOAM研究的工作流程,并使用通过集管的水流模拟来说明该方法。 工作流由多个单独讨论的步骤组成。 该研究的目的是评估在不同条件下流体域中形成的压力,速度和温度模式。 该研究包括symmetric-velocity-temperature和asymmetric-velocity-temperature symmetric-velocity-temperature两种情况。 这些案例使用相同的“和“ ,但对入口贴片采用不同的“初始条件”(IC)和“边界条件”(BC),如“部分所述。 平台 这项研究是在具有以下配置的台式工作站上执行的: CPU( lscpu ):AMD锐龙7 1800X八核处理器 操作系统( uname -a ):Linux nick-AX370-Gaming 5.4.0-26-generic#30-Ubuntu SMP Mon
This is a graduate text on turbulent flows, an important topic in fluid dynamics. It is up-to-date, comprehensive, designed for teaching, and is based on a course taught by the author at Cornell University for a number of years. The book consists of two parts followed by a number of appendices. Part I provides a general introduction to turbulent flows, how they behave, how the
2021-08-31 14:07:06 7.34MB Pope
Turbulent Flows Stephen B. Pope
2021-07-04 10:15:54 6.19MB 流体力学 turbulence
Turbulent Flows is an up-to-date and comprehensive graduate text on this important topic in fluid dynamics. The book consists of two parts: Part I provides a general introduction to turbulent flows, how they behave, how they can be described quantitatively, and their fundamental physical processes. Part II is concerned with different approaches for modeling, or simulating, turbulent flows. Key appendices present the necessary mathematical techniques. While primarily intended for engineering graduate students, this book will also be valuable to students in applied mathematics, physics, oceanography and atmospheric sciences, as well as to researchers and practicing engineers.
2019-12-21 21:53:09 7.34MB 湍流
2019-12-21 21:47:59 7.3MB 湍流