2024-02-25 21:10:17 196KB 首发论文
2024-01-16 20:37:28 432KB 首发论文
RAS/PI3K信号转导通路在铝致大鼠LTP损害中的作用,宋静,刘莹,目的 研究RAS/PI3K信号转导通路在铝致LTP损害中的作用。方法 首先,采用侧脑室注射染铝的方式,在检测完LTP之后,观察不同剂量下大鼠
2024-01-15 22:21:34 476KB 首发论文
改善败血症治疗策略 这是论文“使用深度强化学习和专家混合改善脓毒症治疗策略”的代码库 评论者评论 表1中的数据清楚地显示了数据集幸存者/非幸存者的失衡率。 学习不平衡会导致分类器的预测模型出现偏差。 但是,作者没有详细说明他们如何通过使用特定的重新平衡方法或对成本敏感的学习方法来解决此问题,但未提供任何评论。 数据集分为固定的75%训练和验证集和25%的测试集。“->作者应使用10倍交叉验证。 如表2所示,尽管他们的专家混合(MoE)方法的性能在数值上优于医师,内核和DQN的性能,但分析这种数值增加的显着性还是不错的。 随机策略会产生什么效果? 有没有一种方法可以衡量这些方法之间的性能差异的重要性? 本文未介绍其方法的任何时间性能。 训练这种方法需要多长时间? 这个培训时间对于为ICU患者制定个性化治疗策略是否可行? RL和Deep网络都因训练时间长而臭名昭著。 动机 败血症是IC
2022-08-16 14:27:18 478KB JupyterNotebook
This text addresses all aspects of patient evaluation and care. This includes new findings in imaging that provide a better understanding of the extent of the lesion as well as its relationship with critical neuroanatomic function. The evolution of intraoperative imaging, functional brain mapping,and technology to identify tumor from brain is covered. This has significantly improved the ability of surgeons to more safely and aggressively remove tumors.More importantly, a better understanding of tumor biology and genomics has created an opportunity to significantly revise tumor classification and better select optimal therapy for individual patients. The text covers novel and innovative treatment options including immunotherapy, tumor vaccines, antiangiogenic agents,and personalized cancer treatment. In addition, novel agent delivery techniques are covered to offer the potential for increasing the effectiveness of treatment by delivering active agents directly where they are needed most. Malignant Brain Tumors: State-of-the-Art Treatment provides a comprehensive overview of treatment for malignant gliomas, and will prove useful by updating physicians on new therapeutic paradigms and what is on the horizon for the near future. This text will be informative for surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, residents and students who treat these patients,as well as those who are training for a career in managing patients with these challenging tumors. ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-10 15:56:37 5.8MB 英文
2021-11-13 19:01:58 1.83MB V2X
本标准涵盖了家用和商用的电动水处理设备。 这些设备旨在根据国家电气法规NFPA 70进行安装和使用,额定电压为600 V或更低。 本标准涵盖使用通过使用阳离子交换水软化剂,电离,过滤器,紫外线辐射,臭氧产生和反渗透来处理水的功能的设备。
2021-05-11 09:02:26 49.63MB ul 979 水处理 设备
2021-04-05 12:06:24 38KB Python
Study on the treatment of drinking water sources from the Yangtze River by using constructed wetland,安婷婷,,This study was conducted to reduce ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) in wastewater effluents by constructed wetland systems under four different influent ammonia nitrogen concentrations. To
2021-03-24 16:18:25 512KB 首发论文
我们通过KrF激光辐照在化学计量(100)SrTiO3单晶上实现了可控的金属行为,这在很大程度上取决于真空度和激光能量密度。 此外,这种金属传导是由缺氧引起的,可以通过光照和静电门控场来操纵。 激光辐照的SrTiO3表现出敏感的持久性光响应,对于360 nm光线,其在20 K时电阻的相对变化约为45%。 另外,也可以通过正(负)后向门将传导调制为较低(较高)状态。 我们的结果突出了调整氧化物电性能的可能性。
2021-03-07 09:05:18 2.12MB Laser treatment, Oxides ,Transmission