2024-02-01 21:24:53 196KB 论文模板 论文格式
2022-08-15 14:21:33 993KB trans模板
CoroBase:面向协程的主内存数据库引擎 CoroBase是一个研究数据库引擎,将事务建模为C ++ 20无堆栈协程以隐藏CPU缓存未命中。 请参阅我们的VLDB 2021文件中的详细信息: [1]何永军,陆家成和王天正。 。 VLDB 2021。 CoroBase继承了ERMIA的共享所有架构,同步和并发控制协议。 有关ERMIA的描述,请参见SIGMOD'16论文[2];有关并发控制的详细信息,请参见VLDBJ论文[3];有关复制的详细信息,请参见VLDB论文[4]。 [2]金贤妮,王天正,瑞安·约翰逊和伊波克拉蒂斯·潘迪斯。 。 SIGMOD 2016。 [3] Wang T
2022-08-10 16:20:50 2.46MB database coroutines transactions database-engine
DB - Eris - Coordination-Free Consistent Transactions Using In-Network Concurrency Control.pdf Distributed storage systems aim to provide strong consistency and isolation guarantees on an architecture that is partitioned across multiple shards for scalability and replicated for fault tolerance. Traditionally, achieving all of these goals has required an expensive combination of atomic commitment and replication protocols – introducing extensive coordination overhead.
2022-07-12 09:07:01 353KB 数据库 事务
DB - Fast and General Distributed Transactions using RDMA and HTM.pdf Recent transaction processing systems attempt to leverage advanced hardware features like RDMA and HTM to significantly boost performance, which, however, pose several limitations like requiring priori knowledge of read/write sets of transactions and providing no availability support. In this paper, we present DrTM+R, a fast in-memory transaction processing system that retains the performance benefit from advanced hardware
2022-07-12 09:07:00 527KB 数据库 事务 RDMA HTM
The common wisdom is that distributed transactions do not scale. But what if distributed transactions could be made scalable using the next generation of networks and a redesign of distributed databases? There would be no need for developers anymore to worry about co-partitioning schemes to achieve decent performance. Application development would become easier as data placement would no longer determine how scalable an application is. Hardware provisioning would be simplified as the system ...
2022-07-12 09:06:53 408KB 数据库 分布式事务 事务
数据库管理系统概述英文版课件:tutorial11 Physical Database Design & Transactions.ppt
2022-06-21 09:05:44 560KB 数据库
数据库管理系统:ch15 Transactions.ppt
2022-06-10 09:05:43 661KB 数据库
数据库系统英文课件:ch15 Transactions.pptx
2022-05-26 09:05:30 1.08MB 文档资料
数据库系统课件:ch15-16 Transactions & Concurrency Control.ppt
2022-05-25 22:03:03 1.17MB 数据库