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2022-08-20 15:37:16 2.97MB TBB编程
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2022-07-25 09:07:01 3.12MB TBB库
在环境变量中添加msvc_19.16_cxx_64_md_debug路径 在VS库路径中加msvc_19.16_cxx_64_md_debug路径 在包含路径中加include路径 添加以下代码测试 #include <tbb/tbb.h> #include using namespace std; using namespace tbb; int main() { parallel_for(0, 10, [](int num) {cout << num << ": Hello TBB!" << endl; }); getchar(); return 0; }
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Intel TBB(Threading Building Blocks) 项目负责人编写
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2019出版 Apress. Think Parallel We have aimed to make this book useful for those who are new to parallel programming as well as those who are expert in parallel programming. We have also made this book approachable for those who are comfortable only with C programming, as well as those who are fluent in C++. In order to address this diverse audience without “dumbing down” the book, we have written this Preface to level the playing field. What Is TBB TBB is a solution for writing parallel programs in C++ which has become the most popular, and extensive, support for parallel programming in C++. It is widely used and very popular for a good reason. More than 10 years old, TBB has stood the test of time and has been influential in the inclusion of parallel programming support in the C++ standard. While C++11 made major additions for parallel programming, and C++17 and C++2x take that ever further, most of what TBB offers is much more than what belongs in a language standard. TBB was introduced in 2006, so it contains support for pre-C++11 compilers. We have simplified matters by taking a modern look at TBB and assuming C++11. Common advice today is “if you don’t have a C++11 compiler, get one.” Compared with the 2007 book on TBB, we think C++11, with lambda support in particular, makes TBB both richer and easier to understand and use. TBB is simply the best way to write a parallel program in C++, and we hope to help you be very productive in using TBB.
2022-01-18 08:57:59 129.38MB C++ Threading Buildi TBB
TBB(Intel Threading Building Blocks)Getting Started
2021-12-18 09:01:39 158KB TBB