ThinkPad T61 2.29BIOS 官方版
2023-09-15 22:06:38 5.87MB BIOS
联想T61独显主板BIOS, 网上下载的我试了很多个,都不行,为了大家少走弯路。 自己备份,绝对OK
2022-07-30 16:15:06 1.87MB 联想T61
联想 IBM LENOVW T61笔记本支持 T8 T9 系列CPU的BIOS windows版本
2022-05-08 11:56:49 2.54MB 联想 IBM T61 T8T9CPU
博阅t61电纸书 A2刷新固件下载及卡刷方法
2022-02-06 22:18:14 372B 博阅t61 A2固件 卡刷
博阅 T61线刷恢复升级工具,有救了
2022-01-22 21:09:21 537KB 博阅 T61
Thinkpad T61 2.29_1.08 官方BIOS (光盘安装版)
2021-12-03 13:24:37 5.87MB BIOS
这些都是非联想正式提供的bios文件,风险自担哦。 下边的楼层开始以附件方式上传各个bios文件。 Ultimate R61/T61/X61/X300 BIOS (inc SATA-II) DISCLAIMER: Use these modified bios at your own risk!! These modified bios have been beta tested to confirm they do not brick the system after flash. However data integrity tests take time and it's up to the user to confirm there is no data loss due to the increased SATA-II interface speed. You will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from flashing or using of the patched BIOS. Lenovo have never tested or approved these patched bios and doesn't support them. They are provided "as is" without any warranties from Lenovo. These bios-es are completely unofficial releases.
2021-11-28 11:23:13 8.77MB rar
t61_2.29完美破解bios. This is Lenovo ThinkPad BIOS. Changelog: - Disabled whitelist check. - Enabled SATA II full speed. - Added SLIC 2.1 table. - Removed "Thermal sensing error" boot message (Penryn CPUs). - Added dual-IDA support.
2021-09-21 09:54:46 4.51MB t61 bios 2.29
老机升级SSD必备。Dual-IDA_SATA-II_Whitelist_SLIC21_Thermal_Sensing_Error_ThinkPad_T61_T61p_BIOS_(2.29-1.08),含普通版和交换Ctrl-Fn键版,及光盘启动版的ISO映像。 更新BIOS前请仔细阅读压缩包里的“READ_ME!!!.txt”文件。
2021-07-03 21:25:17 3.99MB T61 T61P SATA2