Distributed synchronization in wireless networks 是一篇很经典的讲述分布式同步的IEEE文章, 这是我对这篇文献阅读后总结的笔记,内有很多个人对文献的独到理解 作者:RayGoodwill 单位:桂林电子科技大学
2022-09-26 16:34:45 311KB 分布式 同步 无线网络
数字接收机同步技术的经典书籍! 包括时间同步、载波频率同步和相位同步等内容。全书529页
2022-09-10 19:04:05 8.96MB 数字信号处理
matlab仿射变换代码这个存储库(将)提供几种地图同步算法的实现,这些算法在一组形状中计算地图。 该代码是在 MIT 许可下发布的,可以用于任何目的并具有适当的署名。 该代码随附以下论文,应在使用所提供模块的出版物中引用: 文件夹 'io' 提供了用于以波前 obj 格式保存和加载形状的 matlab 代码 文件夹“manmade_align”实现了中描述的联合对齐方法 “大形状集合的细粒度半监督标记”,Qixing Huang、Hao Su 和 Leonidas Guibas。 SIGGRAPH 亚洲' 13。 它将一组相同类别的形状作为输入,并将它们在公共空间中对齐。 假定形状已给出直立方向。 文件夹 data/ 中提供了两个示例数据集(100 把椅子和 100 辆汽车) 代码分两步进行。 第一步优化仿射变换以对齐所有输入形状。 第二个优化无变形以对齐输入形状。 % Step I Shapes_aff = man_made_joint_affine_main(Shapes_in, Para_align); % 第二步 Shapes_ffd = man_made_joint_ffd
2022-07-13 09:54:06 268.17MB 系统开源
2017_Martin_Low-complexity timing synchronization for OFDM based on CAZAC and Golay sequencesmatlab定时同步,OFDM
2022-06-14 11:51:32 403KB ofdm定时同步 ofdm同步 OFDM同步 cazac
Linux操作系统课程指导:Ch9-10 Kernel Synchronization.ppt
2022-06-04 21:00:33 960KB 文档资料 linux 运维 服务器
操作系统英文教学课件:Chapter 6 Process Synchronization.ppt
2022-06-04 18:01:56 552KB 文档资料
Cisar Migration & Synchronization Tool是一款用于MySQL表迁移/同步的工具, 它基于一定的算法,能迅速比较表之间的差异并快速进行手工/定时迁移或同步, 是本工作室继Binlog Digger推出的第二款自研工具. 因本人水平有限, 如发现不足, 请多多指正.
2022-05-31 16:03:32 17.49MB MySQL 迁移 同步 结构与数据比较
下面小编就为大家带来一篇完美解决ntp的错误问题no server suitable for synchronization fo。小编觉得挺不错的,现在就分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2022-05-28 15:10:55 52KB linux ntp server
OFDMA系统频率同步算法综述-Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) has recently attracted vast research attention from both academia and industry and has become part of new emerging standards for broadband wireless access. Even though the OFDMA concept is simple in its basic principle, the design of a practical OFDMA system is far from being a trivial task. Synchronization represents one of the most challenging issues and plays a major role in the physical layer design. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the latest results in the field of synchronization for OFDMA systems, with tutorial objectives foremost. After quantifying the effects of synchronization errors on the system performance, we review some common methods to achieve timing and frequency alignment in a downlink transmission. We then consider the uplink case, where synchronization is made particularly difficult by the fact that each user’s signal is characterized by different timing and frequency errors, and the base station has thus to estimate a relatively large number of unknown parameters. A second difficulty is related to how the estimated parameters must be employed to correct the uplink timing and frequency errors. The paper concludes with a comparison of the reviewed synchronization schemes in an OFDMA scenario inspired by the IEEE 802.16 standard for wireless metropolitan area networks.
2022-03-28 17:24:26 2.24MB Communications OFDMA 同步 综述
ITU-T G.8261/Y.1361 Timing and synchronization in packet networks
2021-12-25 19:49:38 2.4MB Timing and synchronization in