点云的多边形表面重建 PolyFit重建管道 PolyFit实现了以下所述的基于假设和选择的曲面重建方法: Liangliang Nan and Peter Wonka. PolyFit: Polygonal Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds. ICCV 2017. 如果使用代码/程序(或其一部分),请考虑引用以上文章。 获取PolyFit 预构建的可执行文件(适用于macOS , Linux和Windows )可。 您也可以从源代码构建PolyFit: 下载。 依存关系 (已测试v5.8.0,v5.9.2,v5.10.1) (已测试v4.10,v4.11.1) 建立PolyFit。 有很多构建PolyFit的方法。 选择以下一项(或您熟悉的任何一项): 选项1:使用可以直接处理CMakeLists文件的任何IDE
In this paper we present a method for fast surface reconstruction from large noisy datasets. Given an unorganized 3D point cloud, our algorithm recreates the underlying surface’s geometrical properties using data resampling and a robust triangulation algorithm in near realtime. For resulting smooth surfaces, the data is resampled with variable densities according to previously estimated surface curvatures. Incremental scans are easily incorporated into an existing surface mesh, by determining the respective overlapping area and reconstructing only the updated part of the surface mesh. The proposed framework is flexible enough to be integrated with additional point label information, where groups of points sharing the same label are clustered together and can be reconstructed separately, thus allowing fast updates via triangular mesh decoupling. To validate our approach, we present results obtained from laser scans acquired in both indoor and outdoor environments.
2020-01-19 03:15:49 1.68MB Surface Reconstruction Point Clouds