.NET 4.+ & .NET CORE 高性能 轻量级 ORM框架众多.NET框架中最容易使用的数据库访问技术,比较方便的数据访问源码
2022-12-15 18:20:54 6.83MB SQL Sugar
2022-06-13 16:31:06 64KB C# 语法糖
2022-01-20 12:03:21 34.76MB sugar bi sugarbi
大屏数据可视化 重要声明 本项目所有案例采用的数据均属虚构,切勿当真! 项目案例-上市公司全景概览 综合使用条形图,柱状图,折线图,饼图,地图,数字翻牌器来实现一个常规的大屏数据可视化项目。 项目案例-上市公司地域分布 以百度地图为底图,结合ECharts替换地理信息数据 旭日图-基于ECharts V4.2 旭日图(Sunburst)是ECharts 4.0添加的图表类型,由多层的环形图组成,在数据结构上,内圈是外圈的父节点。因此,它既能像饼图一样表现局部和整体的占比,又能像矩形树图一样表现层级关系。 树图-基于ECharts V4.2 树图是一种流行的利用包含关系表达层次化数据的可视化方法
2021-12-23 10:16:34 16.91MB data-visualization sugar echarts datav
### SoEasyPlatform 代码生成器 ## 介绍 一款轻量级开源的代码生成器,相对较动软代码生成器而言要轻量的多,支持多种数据库,所用到dll组件也都在github有源码,代码非常的简单有点基础的看源码可以把生成的项目改成自已的风格。 ## 特色 该代码生成器最大的特点就三个简单 ,无需安装,生成的代码 简单并且有教学用例,还有就是调试和修改模版简单。 ## 使用步骤 1.从上面的地址下载 SoEasyPlatform到本地 2.解压项目 点击SoEasyPlatform.sln打开项目,重新生成项目会自动下载NUGET 文件 3.配置三个参数 co
2021-11-24 11:36:00 52.53MB sugar sqlsugar
2021-05-07 20:18:57 400KB sugar crm
2021-04-26 09:02:50 92.8MB 源码 Sweet Match
I started this book with the intention of bringing a new side of SugarCRM to light. Since I began working at SugarCRM, I saw the flexibility and extensibility that the application could provide. I looked back on my previous position developing internal business applications, and saw that many of the features I added and design issues I would wrestle with were problems that SugarCRM had already solved. The engineering team at SugarCRM had built the application to solve this problem, yet few developers outside of SugarCRM really knew how powerful the underlying platform was. I knew there were other developers in this same boat, and that if I could reach them it would make their jobs much easier. What a CRM application does or doesn’t do isn’t authoritatively defined; instead, its goal is to fill in the gap where a company needs to solve problems in their relationships with their customers. Sometimes this means keeping track of meetings and phone calls. Other times, this means tracking the progress of an ongoing project. It could also mean managing support cases and product defects. Yet sometimes an application may not completely cover this. Just as every business or organization is unique, so must be what CRM will mean to them. Up until SugarCRM, this application space was full of players who thought they had the CRM problem solved, and built large proprietary applications that were expensive to implement and support and notoriously difficult to customize to meet their needs. SugarCRM came in and changed that scene, making CRM something that is inexpensive to implement, easier to customize, and more approachable for end-users to work with. It’s designed to be a CRM that your users won’t hate, which is the philosophy that the founders of SugarCRM set as their paramount goal when building it.
2021-02-26 15:42:37 5.64MB CRM Sugar
2019-12-21 20:53:27 98.56MB 在线考试 C#  .net sugar