There are two approaches to undergraduate and graduate courses in linear statistical models and experimental design in applied statistics. One is a two-term sequence focusing on regression followed by ANOVA/Experimental design. Applied Linear Statistical Models serves that market. It is offered in business, economics, statistics, industrial engineering, public health, medicine, and psychology departments in four-year colleges and universities, and graduate schools. Applied Linear Statistical Models is the leading text in the market. It is noted for its quality and clarity, and its authorship is first-rate. The approach used in the text is an applied one, with an emphasis on understanding of concepts and exposition by means of examples. Sufficient theoretical foundations are provided so that applications of regression analysis can be carried out comfortably. The fourth edition has been updated to keep it current with important new developments in regression analysis.
2024-09-26 22:02:48 9.75MB Statistical Stochastics
纽约联储DSGE模型(版本1002) DSGE.jl包实现了纽约联储动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型,并提供了通用代码来估算许多用户指定的DSGE模型。 该软件包在Liberty Street Economics博客文章。 (我们之前将模型称为“ FRBNY DSGE模型”。) 此Julia语言实现反映了Liberty Street Economics博客文章包含的MATLAB代码。 单击上面的docs|dev按钮可以访问代码的docs|dev 。 有关最新型号版本的文档,请阅读此 。 纽约联储DSGE团队目前正在扩展代码,以解决和估计异构代理模型。 过滤和平滑算法可在已注册的软件包。 可以在注册软件包找到用于估计DSGE模型的顺序蒙特卡洛(SMC)采样的。 的基础AbstractModel类型,从该AbstractDSGEModel类型导出,在已注册的包被定义 。 纽约联储可酌
Computer Vision__Statistical Models for Marr’s Paradigm.pdf
2021-12-11 15:53:04 104.97MB 计算机视觉资料
英文原版,Michael H. Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, John Neter, William Li. 1500页,有课后习题答案,Student Solutions Manual to accompany Applied Linear Statistical Models Fifth Edition。楼主在国外读研究生时候的教材,非常深入地讲解线性模型和相关的误差诊断,方差分析,实验设计,等等。值得一读。找了了好长时间,仅限交流学习!
2021-11-17 15:38:05 47.96MB Applied Linear S
Statistical Models Theory and Practice Statistical Models Theory and Practice
2021-10-25 19:05:54 1.46MB Statistical Models Theory and
Applied Linear Statistical Models By Kutner & Nachtsheim & Neter,哥伦比亚大学线性回归课程规定的教材,堪称经典,难度和深度兼具,想要了解线性回归模型朋友自取
2019-12-21 21:51:17 104.51MB 回归分析