硅谷创投教父、PayPal创始人作品,斯坦福大学改变未来的一堂课,为世界创造价值的商业哲学。 在科技剧烈改变世界的今天,想要成功,你必须在一切发生之前研究结局。 你必须找到创新的独特方式,让未来不仅仅与众不同,而且更加美好。 从0到1,为自己创造无限的机会与价值! Paypal创始人、Facebook第一位外部投资者彼得•蒂尔在本书中详细阐述了自己的创业历程与心得,包括如何避免竞争、如何进行垄断、如何发现新的市场。《从0到1》还将带你穿越哲学、历史、经济等多元领域,解读世界运行的脉络,分享商业与未来发展的逻辑,帮助你思考从0到1的秘密,在意想不到之处发现价值与机会。
2023-07-06 18:04:47 2.13MB 创新 投资 人工智能
Does your startup rely on social network analysis? This concise guide provides a statistical framework to help you identify social processes hidden among the tons of data now available. Social network analysis (SNA) is a discipline that predates Facebook and Twitter by 30 years. Through expert SNA researchers, you'll learn concepts and techniques for recognizing patterns in social media, political groups, companies, cultural trends, and interpersonal networks. You'll also learn how to use Python and other open source tools—such as NetworkX, NumPy, and Matplotlib—to gather, analyze, and visualize social data. This book is the perfect marriage between social network theory and practice, and a valuable source of insight and ideas. Discover how internal social networks affect a company’s ability to perform Follow terrorists and revolutionaries through the 1998 Khobar Towers bombing, the 9/11 attacks, and the Egyptian uprising Learn how a single special-interest group can control the outcome of a national election Examine relationships between companies through investment networks and shared boards of directors Delve into the anatomy of cultural fads and trends—offline phenomena often mediated by Twitter and Facebook
2021-11-17 08:54:27 14.9MB 大数据 社会网络分析 SNA network
SNA techniques are derived from sociological and social-psychological theories and take into account the whole network (or, in case of very large networks such as Twitter -- a large segment of the network). Thus, we may arrive at results that may seem counter-intuitive -- e.g. that Jusin Bieber (7.5 mil. followers) and Lady Gaga (7.2 mil. followers) have relatively little actual influence despite their celebrity status -- while a middle-of-the-road blogger with 30K followers is able to generate tweets that "go viral" and result in millions of impressions. O'Reilly's "Mining Social Media" and "Programming Collective Intelligence" books are an excellent start for people inteseted in SNA. This book builds on these books' foundations to teach a new, pragmatic, way of doing SNA. I would like to write a book that links theory ("why is this important?", "how do various concepts interact?", "how do I interpret quantitative results?") and practice -- gathering, analyzing and visualizing data using Python and other open-source tools.
2021-04-08 18:50:08 14.28MB 社交网络分析
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2021-03-24 10:56:04 4.68MB ethereum dapp blockchain startups