2024-08-17 21:41:19 309KB stm32
视音频编辑器 前言 有时候我们想对音视频进行加工处理,比如视频编辑、添加字幕、裁剪等功能处理,虽然 Github 上开源了一些比较不错的项目,但是如果我们想在此项目上进行二次开发,比如我想拿到该项目的动态库基于 OpenH264 来进行对 YUV 编码,这个时候有可能该动态库没有集成 OpenH64 库,所以为了扩展性,我就自己弄了一套万能的库,基本上包含了所有常用的音视频处理库,你不用再去进行编译。编译完成的头文件和动态库可以在该项目的 core/cpp 目录自行获取(已完全开源)。 ##介绍 视音频编辑器 主要移至 **FFmpeg v4.4-dev + libx264 + freetype + fontconfig + fribidi + openh264 +libfdk-aac + gnutls + speex + libwebp + lame +opus + opencore-
2023-03-27 11:54:21 108.62MB freetype lame opus opencore-amr
2023-02-09 14:17:37 12.14MB 嵌入式 单片机 speex 语音处理
The echo canceller is based on the MDF algorithm described in: J. S. Soo, K. K. Pang Multidelay block frequency adaptive filter, IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., Vol. ASSP-38, No. 2, February 1990. We use the Alternatively Updated MDF (AUMDF) variant. Robustness to double-talk is achieved using a variable learning rate as described in: Valin, J.-M., On Adjusting the Learning Rate in Frequency Domain Echo Cancellation With Double-Talk. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1030-1034, 2007. There is no explicit double-talk detection, but a continuous variation in the learning rate based on residual echo, double-talk and background noise. About the fixed-point version: All the signals are represented with 16-bit words. The filter weights are represented with 32-bit words, but only the top 16 bits are used in most cases. The lower 16 bits are completely unreliable (due to the fact that the update is done only on the top bits), but help in the adaptation -- probably by removing a "threshold effect" due to quantization (rounding going to zero) when the gradient is small. Another kludge that seems to work good: when performing the weight update, we only move half the way toward the "goal" this seems to reduce the effect of quantization noise in the update phase. This can be seen as applying a gradient descent on a "soft constraint" instead of having a hard constraint.
2023-01-04 10:47:39 12.81MB enc echo 回声消除
python的speexdsp 要求 wig 编译工具链 Python libspeexdsp-dev 建造 有两种构建程序包的方法。 使用 sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev git clone cd speexdsp-python python install 使用Makefile git clone cd speexdsp-python/src make 开始吧 """Acoustic Echo Cancellation for wav files.""" import wave import sys from s
2022-11-23 16:58:41 8KB python speex echo-cancellation aec
2022-05-24 13:12:07 1.28MB Speex
Android 录音 speex
2022-05-11 13:17:40 32.46MB Android 录音 speex
AndroidStudio 上编译speex库,进行使用
2022-05-06 18:10:40 121.18MB speex
2022-04-28 13:52:44 450KB speex pcm aa