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分享一个不错的SPC类: 可自动分组,可统计正态分布
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2023-05-09 15:01:55 409KB SPC控制图 判异标准 异常处理方法
梁德丰,钱省三,梁静(上海理工大学工业工程研究所/微电子发展中心,上海 200093)摘要:由于半导体制造工艺过程的复杂性,一般很难建立其制造模型,不能对工艺过程状态有效地监控,所以迫切需要先进的半导体过程控制技术来严格监控工艺过程状态,而SPC就是其中最重要的一种技术。本文针对SPC做了简要概述,着重论述了根据半导体生产工艺的特点来实现其在半导体晶圆厂的实际应用。 关键词:半导体;SPC;过程控制;控制图 中图分类号:TN301 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1003-353X(2004)03-0058-03 1 前言 近年来,半导体制造技术经历了快速的改变,技术的提升也相对地增加了工艺过程的
梁德丰,梁静,钱省三(上海理工大学工业工程研究所/微电子发展中心,上海 200093)摘要:由于半导体制造工艺过程的复杂性,一般很难建立其制造模型,不能对工艺过程状态作有效的监控,所以迫切需要先进的半导体过程控制技术来严格监控工艺过程状态,而SPC就是其中最重要的一种技术。本文着重论述了半导体晶圆厂的SPC与传统行业的不同之处。 关键字:半导体;SPC;过程控制;控制图 中图分类号:TN301 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1003-353X(2004)05-0035-034 SPC控制的方法简介 SPC是通过对线上参数进行分析,来对生产过程进行监控和预测。主要包括数据采集,数据整理和数据分析三
1. 基于Python flask架构 2. 开发了SPC控制图算法,并在前端实时展现
2023-03-19 10:06:36 178MB python flask SPC 统计过程分析
To understand this text there are some prerequisites. A basic foundation in lithography science is assumed. The SPIE Handbook on Microlithography, Micromachining and Microfabrication. Volume 1: Microlithography l provides a suitable introduction. It is also assumed that the reader has had some introduction to basic statistical concepts and statistical process control. It is my intention that this text be a self-contained tutorial on lithography process control for readers familiar with the prerequisite lithography science and basic statistical process control, although some subjects may involve a higher level of mathematical sophistication than others. The text covers the subject of lithography process control at several levels. Discussions of some very basic elements of statistical process control and lithography science are included, because, when trying to control a lithography process, a number of subtle problems arise that are related to fundamental issues. To most readers, the information presented on the foundations of statistical process control should be familiar. Nevertheless, it is useful to review the foundations of statistical process control, in order to clearly identify those circumstances in which the method may be applied, and where it needs to be applied with particular care. This inclusion of basic topics also allows the text to serve as an introduction to process control for the novice lithography engineer and as a reference for experienced engineers. More advanced topics are also included to varying
2023-03-10 15:46:20 13.09MB litho 光刻 process SPC
2023-02-23 21:51:07 862KB (完整版)SPC全套Excel版
控制图示例: 上控制界限(UCL) 中心线(CL) 下控制界限(LCL) (一)、控制图定义 控制图是用于分析和控制过程质量的一种方法。控制图是一种带有控制界限的反映过程质量的记录图形,图的纵轴代表产品质量特性值(或由质量特性值获得的某种统计量);横轴代表按时间顺序(自左至右)抽取的各个样本号;图内有中心线(记为CL)、上控制界限(记为UCL)和下控制界限(记为LCL)三条线(见下图)。 五、控制图
2023-02-17 15:28:50 1.21MB SPC