rtcm3decoder 在实时数据处理中,需要使用到RTCM格式的数据,其中包括观测数据流和广播星历等。 ============================================================= The University of New South Wales, Australia The School of Surveying & Spatial Information Systems Satellite Navigation And Positioning Laboratory Author Yong Heo (yong.heo@unsw.edu.au) Last Modified 05/FEB/2009 Version rtcm3decoder version 2.3 - GPS observation message type: 1001 ~ 1004 - Antenna reference point X,Y,Z: 1005 ~ 1006 - Antenna description and serial number: 1007 ~ 1008 - GLONASS observation message type: 1009 ~ 1012 - Generate RINEX file - query & display a souce infomration
2019-12-21 19:48:12 24KB rtcm3解码器