This book grew out of courses in pricing and revenue optimization developed at Columbia University and Stanford University. 1 At the time there were few other comparable courses. 2 Since then, it has become clear that there is growing interest in pricing and revenue opti- mization (a.k.a. revenue management and dynamic pricing) as a topic of study within both business schools and management science/operations research departments. This interest is quite understandable: Not only is pricing and revenue optimization an important appli- cations arena for quantitative analysis, it has achieved widely publicized successes in many industries, and there is growing interest in the techniques of pricing and revenue optimiza- tion across many different industries. Some of the issues involved in developing and teach- ing an MBA course in pricing and revenue optimization have been treated in articles by Peter Bell (2004) and myself (Phillips 2004).
2023-02-21 17:02:04 1.47MB pricing revenue opti
餐厅收入预测 这是一场 Kaggle 比赛,我们的方法排名 67/2256。 项目目标 在这个项目中,我们的目标是找到一个数学模型来提高新餐厅投资的有效性,这将使 TFI 能够在其他重要业务领域进行更多投资,例如可持续性、创新和新员工培训。 本次比赛使用人口统计、房地产和商业数据,挑战您预测 100,000 个区域位置的年度餐厅销售额。 可以在找到项目介绍的更多详细信息。 杂项
2021-10-24 10:25:56 13.23MB Python
The Theory and Practice of Revenue Management is a book that comprehensively covers theory and practice of the entire field, including both quantity and price-based RM, as well as significant coverage of supporting topics such as forecasting and economics.
2019-12-21 22:07:00 17.76MB REVENUE MANAGEMENT