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Metal by Tutorials: Beginning game engine development with Metal by Caroline Begbie English | 2019 | ISBN: 1942878544 | 659 Pages | True PDF, EPUB, CODE | 790 MB Build your own low-level game engine in Metal! This book introduces you to graphics programming in Metal — Apple’s framework for programming on the GPU. You’ll build your own game engine in Metal where you can create 3D scenes and build your own 3D games. This book is for intermediate Swift developers interested in learning 3D graphics or gaining a deeper understanding of how game engines work. Topics Covered in Metal by Tutorials The Rendering Pipeline: Take a deep dive through the graphics pipeline. 3D Models: Import 3D models with Model I/O and discover what makes up a 3D model. Coordinate Spaces: Learn the math behind 3D rendering. Lighting: Make your models look more realistic with simple lighting techniques. Textures & Materials: Design textures and surfaces for micro detail. Character Animation: Bring your 3D models to life with joints and animation. Tessellation: Discover how to use tessellation to add a greater level of detail using fewer resources. Environment: Add a sky to your scenes and use the sky image for lighting. Instancing & Procedural Generation: Save resources with instancing, and generate scenes algorithmically. Multipass & Deferred Rendering: Add shadows with advanced lighting effects. And more!
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Swift 4 中使用 RxSwift 响应式编程 Leverage the power of RxSwift in your reactive apps! This book is for iOS developers who already feel comfortable with iOS and Swift, and want to dive deep into development with RxSwift. Start with an introduction to the reactive programming paradigm; learn about observers and observables, filtering and transforming operators, and how to work with the UI, and finish off by building a fully-featured app in RxSwift. https://store.raywenderlich.com/products/rxswift
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Ray Wenderlich出版的iOS书籍,是许多iOS开发者所喜爱的,除了详尽的讲解及例子,内容丰富也是一大原因。本平台带来最新版iOS 11 by Tutorials pdf+epu以及源码下载,需要的朋友可下载试试! RayWenderlich最新出版书籍iOS 11 by Tutorials ,包括了iOS 11 + Swift 4,CoreML、ARKit等新的开发技术,将大家分享!Discover the new features for developers in iOS 11, such as ARKit, Core ML, Vision, drag & drop, document browsing, the new changes in Xcode 9 and Swift 4 — and much, much more Table of Contents: Overview Introduction ............................................................. 13 Chapter 1: Whatʼs New in Swift 4 ........................... 19 Chapter 2: Whatʼs New In Foundation ................... 38 Chapter 3: Whatʼs New in Xcode 9........................ 59 Chapter 4: Whatʼs new in UIKit .............................. 79 Chapter 5: Whatʼs New in Layout......................... 100 Chapter 6: Beginning Drag and Drop................... 120 Chapter 7: Advanced Drag and Drop ................... 141 Chapter 8: Document Based Apps ...................... 163 Chapter 9: Core ML & Vision Framework............. 180 Chapter 10: Natural Language Processing.......... 200 Chapter 11: Introduction to ARKit ......................... 217 Chapter 12: PDFKit ............................................... 236 Chapter 13: MusicKit ............................................ 254 Chapter 14: Password AutoFill ............................. 276 Chapter 15: Dynamic Type................................... 289 Conclusion............................................................ 306
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