随机词 概述 RandomWords是一个有用的软件包,用于生成随机单词,昵称,电子邮件和lorem ipsum。 安装 快速方法: pip install RandomWords 或者: git clone https://github.com/tomislater/RandomWords.git cd RandomWords python setup.py install 如何使用 请参阅
2022-11-08 18:27:30 411KB Python
随机词API :unicorn: 使用此API免费获取随机单词(带有发音) :rocket: 原料药 免费API- https://random-words-api.vercel.app/word PWA演示- :globe_with_meridians: 示例API响应 [ { " word " : " Exactor " , " definition " : " One who exacts; extortioner; claimer of rights " , " pronunciation " : " Eksaktor " } ] :light_bulb: 学习新词 :sparkles: 安装(开发) # Clone the Repo git clone https://github.com/mcnaveen/Random-Words-API random-words # Cd into Directory cd random-words #