深度对冲演示 使用机器学习对衍生产品定价 1) Jupyter version: Run ./colab/deep_hedging_colab.ipynb on Colab. 2) Gui version: Run python ./pyqt5/main.py Check ./requirements.txt for main dependencies. Black-Scholes(BS)模型-于1973年开发,并基于获得诺贝尔奖的作品-在近半个世纪以来一直是定价选择和其他金融衍生品的事实上的标准。 在理想的金融市场的假设下,可以使用该模型来计算期权价格和相关的风险敏感性。 然后,交易者可以从理论上使用这些风险敏感性来创建完善的对冲策略,以消除期权组合中的所有风险。 但是,在现实世界中很难满足完美金融市场的必要条件,例如零交易成本和连续交易的可能性。 因此,在实践中,银行必须依靠其交
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Use R to optimize your trading strategy and build up your own risk management system About This Book Learn to manipulate, visualize, and analyze a wide range of financial data with the help of built-in functions and programming in R Understand the concepts of financial engineering and create trading strategies for complex financial instruments Explore R for asset and liability management and capital adequacy modeling Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those who want to learn how to use R's capabilities to build models in quantitative finance at a more advanced level. If you wish to perfectly take up the rhythm of the chapters, you need to be at an intermediate level in quantitative finance and you also need to have a reasonable knowledge of R. What You Will Learn Analyze high frequency financial data Build, calibrate, test, and implement theoretical models such as cointegration, VAR, GARCH, APT, Black-Scholes, Margrabe, logoptimal portfolios, core-periphery, and contagion Solve practical, real-world financial problems in R related to big data, discrete hedging, transaction costs, and more. Discover simulation techniques and apply them to situations where analytical formulas are not available Create a winning arbitrage, speculation, or hedging strategy customized to your risk preferences Understand relationships between market factors and their impact on your portfolio Assess the trade-off between accuracy and the cost of your trading strategy In Detail R is a powerful open source functional programming language that provides high level graphics and interfaces to other languages. Its strength lies in data analysis, graphics, visualization, and data manipulation. R is becoming a widely used modeling tool in science, engineering, and business. The book is organized as a step-by-step practical guide to using R. Starting with time series analysis, you will also learn how to forecast the volume for VWAP Trading. Among other topics, the book covers FX deriva
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