Kriking插值的python库的说明文档 Kriging Toolkit for Python The code supports 2D and 3D ordinary and universal kriging. Standard variogram models (linear, power, spherical, gaussian, exponential) are built in, but custom variogram models can also be used. The 2D universal kriging code currently supports regional-linear, point-logarithmic, and external drift terms, while the 3D universal kriging code supports a regional-linear drift term in all three spatial dimensions. Both universal kriging classes also support generic ‘specified’ and ‘functional’ drift capabilities. With the ‘specified’ drift capability, the user may manually specify the values of the drift(s) at each data point and all grid points. With the ‘functional’ drift capability, the user may provide callable function(s) of the spatial coordinates that define the drift(s). The package includes a module that contains functions that should be useful in working with ASCII grid files (*.asc).
2021-11-21 10:13:16 357KB Kriging插值 pykriging