FPGA Prototyping By Verilog Examples 一书的源代码
2023-01-07 12:55:46 123KB FPGA Verilog Examples code
2022-05-23 16:08:42 21.5MB FPGA Verilog spartan3
FPGA-Based Prototyping Methodology Manual Best Practices in Design-For-Prototyping电子书籍
2022-03-25 17:10:21 13.07MB FPGA-Based Prototyping Methodology Manual
2022-03-09 13:44:37 13.06MB FPGA Prototyping
这个版本已经除去水印和版权提醒信息,默认页面设置也改为了单页连续 FPGA-Based Prototyping Methodology Manual - Best Practices in Design-for-Prototyping Written by Synopsys & xilinx
2021-11-03 15:06:34 13.17MB FPGA Synopsys Xilinx FPMM
USWDS 筛选器原型设计工具 在 ,我们相信原型设计和测试的快速循环可以加速学习、降低风险并改善结果。 我们成立了一个专门的内部团队来探索使用基于 Web 的原型设计的新流程和工具,以帮助我们的交付团队降低障碍,从而更快地将想法变得更有形。 我们专注于速度、有形性、可重用性和开放性,我们展示了快速原型设计、精益研究、内容库和设计框架的可能性。 我们在政府网站上普遍看到的一个问题是,人们在继续执行更大的任务之前需要填写一个简单的筛选表,以确保他们了解被问到的问题以及原因。 当这些筛选器冗长、繁琐且令人困惑时,就会导致时间浪费和数据错误。 我们的目标是构建一个包含可访问性、简单语言和可用性最佳实践的模板,以便快速轻松地测试不同版本。 特征 自定义问题:使用自己的答案文本、相关资源和基于响应的路径设置任意数量的问题。 (目前仅使用单选按钮。) 简单的逻辑流程:对于每个答案,引导人们到下一个
2021-07-24 11:04:22 42MB forms prototyping uswds HTML
Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs
2021-07-13 19:23:05 5.79MB Rapid System Prototyping with
An introduction to technical details related to the Physical Layer of the LTE standard with MATLAB®The LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE-Advanced are among the latest mobile communications standards, designed to realize the dream of a truly global, fast, all-IP-based, secure broadband mobile access technology.This book examines the Physical Layer (PHY) of the LTE standards by incorporating three conceptual elements: an overview of the theory behind key enabling technologies; a concise discussion regarding standard specifications; and the MATLAB® algorithms needed to simulate the standard.The use of MATLAB®, a widely used technical computing language, is one of the distinguishing features of this book. Through a series of MATLAB® programs, the author explores each of the enabling technologies, pedagogically synthesizes an LTE PHY system model, and evaluates system performance at each stage. Following this step-by-step process, readers will achieve deeper understanding of LTE concepts and specifications through simulations.Key Features:• Accessible, intuitive, and progressive; one of the few books to focus primarily on the modeling, simulation, and implementation of the LTE PHY standard• Includes case studies and testbenches in MATLAB®, which build knowledge gradually and incrementally until a functional specification for the LTE PHY is attained• Accompanying Web site includes all MATLAB® programs, together with PowerPoint slides and other illustrative examples,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-06-17 03:46:17 6.99MB 英文
Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs.pdf
2021-05-25 21:13:16 32.56MB FPGA
2021-01-28 03:29:42 263KB 原型库