JetBrains投影仪 开始吧 您可以通过docker或helm chat启动它。 码头工人 docker run -p 8887:8887 surenpi/kubesphere-goland docker run -p 8887:8887 surenpi/kubesphere-idea-c 舵 helm install jetbrains jetbrains --set service.type=NodePort --set image.tag=latest 安装IdeaU helm install ideau jetbrains --set service.type=NodePort \ --set image.repository=surenpi/kubesphere-idea-u,image.tag=latest 安装IdeaC helm install ide
2023-02-07 10:57:39 10KB jetbrains goland Mustache
Adobe Flash Player 11 2013/12/18 - exe for Windows - dmg for MacOS
2022-12-28 18:27:14 19.12MB flash windows macos adobe
Projector Toolset for G-series UserGuide
2022-12-21 09:03:51 15.44MB UserGuide ProjectorToolset Barco
Dynamic Shadow Projector
2022-09-09 14:06:14 102KB shadowprojector
A light field three-dimensional (3D) display with multi-projectors and a concave screen is proposed. The system sets the viewing area at the center of the concave screen, making viewers enter the center of the system to watch 3D scene around them. The surrounded 3D scene provides viewers a feast of enhanced immersive experience. The light field principle, rendering algorithm, selection of viewing area and experimental results are discussed in the letter, showing the potential of being an all-aro
2022-01-29 00:10:03 1.68MB
“投影仪管理和控制”项目的目的是开发一种软​​件,使用户能够通过网络或其他接口(如 RS-232)管理、维护和远程控制投影仪/投影仪或一组投影仪。
2022-01-25 15:33:51 51KB 开源软件
Multi Projector Warp System UNITY投影融合软件
2022-01-25 11:22:58 2.91MB 投影融合 unity
Blazing fast, easy-to-use alternative to the Blob Shadow Projector. This projector can render lots of blob shadows that fall correctly on any surface while still maintaining high framerate even on mobile devices.
2022-01-15 17:46:06 4.96MB unity fast shadow
Multi Projector Warp System unity投影融合软件 请支持正版
2021-11-04 15:01:42 2.87MB unity unity融合 融合 MultiProjector
结构光相机标定-3D Scanning Software配置,Projector-Camera Calibration / 3D Scanning Software, 配置教程:, 若编译出现问题,请跟博主反馈哈