Rtos basics and embeded systems using java
2022-09-19 18:01:33 5.82MB java_programming rtos
1 Overview For the 0th lab of 15-513, you will implement the data structure of cords, which provide constanttime string concatenation. This lab will give you practice in the style of programming you will need to be able to do proficiently, especially for the later assignments in the class The material covered should all be review for you. Some of the skills tested are: • Explicit memory management, as required in C. • Creating and manipulating pointer-based data structures. • Working with strin
2022-05-27 19:04:57 211KB C语言 二叉树
2021-08-12 13:41:44 58.73MB delphi programmin
教材Programming Massively Parallel Processors 2nd Edition.一本关于介绍Cuda及并行计算的书籍。
2021-05-03 18:41:03 13.74MB Programmin
Let me start with a few words about the lead author of this book, Itzik Ben-Gan. He is a mentor, consultant, presenter, teacher, and writer. All his roles have a common theme— Microsoft SQL Server programming. But wait—there’s even more: he is an MVP (officially “Microsoft Valued Professional,” but often interpreted as Most Valuable Programmer) and a close partner with many SQL Server developers in Redmond, Washington. The combination of these traits puts Itzik into a unique position when writing a book about SQL Server programming. He knows what works and what does not. He knows what performs and what does not. He knows what questions people ask when he is teaching. And he knows what people grasp easily and what they don’t when it comes to introducing more complex concepts of SQL Server programming.
2019-12-21 21:53:29 12.63MB SQLServer 2008 Programming 英文版
The original purpose of the book was to present a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for statistical modelling in a way that was accessible to undergraduate students and researchers in other fields. The second edition was expanded to include nominal and ordinal logistic regression, survival analysis and analysis of longitudinal and clustered data. It relied more on numerical methods, visualizing numerical optimization and graphical methods for exploratory data analysis and checking model fit. The third edition added three chapters on Bayesian analysis for general- ized linear models. To help with the practical application of generalized linear models, Stata, R and WinBUGS code were added. This fourth edition includes new sections on the common problems of model selection and non-linear associations. Non-linear associations have a long history in statistics as the first application of the least squares method was when Gauss correctly predicted the non-linear orbit of an asteroid in 1801. Statistical methods are essential for many fields of research, but a widespread lack of knowledge of their correct application is creating inaccu- rate results. Untrustworthy results undermine the scientific process of using data to make inferences and inform decisions. There are established practices for creating reproducible results which are covered in a new Postface to this edition.
2019-12-21 21:47:34 3.88MB Generalized R Programmin
Introduction to Computing Systems 2nd edition TCSS 371
2019-12-21 21:07:11 12.89MB UWT C Programmin