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2023-11-23 16:45:41 16.7MB polyco 中文手册
Polycom宝利通視訊终端+注册码 视讯会议软件,远程桌面共享,会议。软终端
2022-05-19 11:14:32 17.81MB Polyco 宝利通 注册码
RealPresence移动应用程序是一个易于使用的视频系统,提供优质的音频和视频体验。与专有应用程序不同,RealPresence移动应用程序是基于标准的,可扩展您组织的视频网络,使您在任何无线网络可用的地方都能获得迷人的体验。 The RealPresence Mobile application is an easy-to-use video system that provides premium quality audio and visual experiences. Unlike proprietary applications, the RealPresence Mobile application is standards based and extends your organization's video network, giving you an engaging experience from anywhere wireless networks are available.
2021-07-29 13:41:14 15.26MB 视频会议 H.323 SIP Polyco