Photoluminescence and photoabsorbance blue shift of nanostructured ZnO: Skin-depth quantum trapping and electron-phonon coupling,J. W. Li,X.J.Liu,Although the size- and shape-induced blue shift in the photoluminescence (PL) and photoabsorbance (PA) of nanostructured ZnO has been extensively investigated, the underlying mecha
2024-03-01 14:04:37 289KB 首发论文
通过固相React法合成了一系列掺杂Eu3 +的红色荧光粉MMgP2O7(M = Ca,Sr,Ba)。 X射线粉末衍射(XRD)分析证实了纯CaMgP2O7,SrMgP2O7和BaMgP2O7相的形成。 MMgP2O7(M = Ca,Sr,Ba):Eu3 +荧光粉的光致发光光谱在约400 nm处显示出很强的激发峰,这与紫外发光二极管的特征发射(350-400 nm)耦合。 CaMgP2O7:Eu3 +,SrMgP2O7:Eu3 +和BaMgP2O7:Eu3 +荧光粉显示出强的发射带,分别在612、593和587 nm处达到峰值。 由于Ba2 +(0.142 nm),Sr2 +(0.126 nm),Ca2 +(0.112 nm),Mg2 +(0.072 nm)和Eu3 +(0.107 nm)之间离子大小的差异,Eu3 +离子有望替代CaMgP2O7中的不同位点。 ,SrMgP2O7和BaMgP2O7晶格。
2021-03-01 19:07:01 738KB phosphors; photoluminescence; LED solid-state