leetcode题库 description 数据结构和算法基础知识学习和总结。 Introduction 此项目是自己在准备找工作的时候,借助leetcode上的题目,对数据结构和算法的基础内容复习总结的。 基于Gitbook所写,代码实现使用C++语言。并且整个文档可以在上下载,文档中代码都是在Leetcode上经过测试并且顺利Accepted。Github上还上传了所有的代码,项目见。 常用的数据结构总结如下(个人总结,如有不对之处请指教): 数据结构是工具,算法是通过合适的工具解决特定问题的方法。也就是说,学习算法之前,最起码得了解那些常用的数据结构,了解它们的特性和缺陷。 注:第一部分C++基础部分的代码都在VC16.0(VS2019)或GCC(Clion2020)上测试过。有代码示例的地方,如果没有说明具体的平台,说明在两个平台上的支持是一样的,不一样的地方都会有说明。 推荐的刷题顺序:二叉树—>线性表—>排序算法—>死磕二叉树—>动态规划—>滑动窗口—>回溯法—>其他类型(顺序随意)。一定要先刷二叉树,先刷二叉树,先刷二叉树,重要的事情说三遍。。。 (说一下本人的复习情况
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Our purposes in writing this Second Edition | more than a quarter century after the original | remain the same: to give a systematic account of the major topics in pattern recognition, based whenever possible on fundamental principles. We believe that this provides the required foundation for solving problems in more specialized application areas such as speech recognition, optical character recognition, signal analysis, and so on. Since 1973, there has been an immense wealth of e®ort, and in many cases progress, on the topics we addressed in the First Edition. The pace of progress in algorithms for learning and pattern recognition has been exceeded only by the improvements in computer hardware. Some of the outstanding problems acknowledged in the First Edition have been solved, whereas others remain as frustrating as ever. Taken with the manifest usefulness of pattern recognition, this makes the ¯eld extremely vigorous and exciting.
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