2022-01-07 19:00:27 475KB overlapping segmentation
2021-12-02 12:09:06 549KB 数据挖掘 重叠社团发现
Finding overlapping communities in networks by label propagation论文
2021-06-29 11:11:54 287KB 复杂网络 copra
Not all languages, e.g. Chinese, have delimiters for words. To extract words from a sentence in these languages, we usually rely on a dictionary for known words. For unknown words, some approaches rely on a domain specific dictionary or a tailor-made learning data set. However, this information may not be available. Another direction is to use unsupervised methods. These methods rely on a goodness measure to evaluate how likely the words are meaningful based on a statistical argument on the give
2021-02-20 20:10:20 512KB 研究论文