2022-06-06 08:56:13 20.71MB 张克潜 电磁场与电磁波
The second edition continues to represent a first course in optoelectronic materials and devices suitable for a half- or one-semester course at the undergraduate level either at the thirdor fourth-year level in electrical engineering, engineering physics, and materials science and engineering departments. With its additional topics, it can also be used as an introductory textbook at the graduate level. Normally the students would not have covered Maxwell’s equations. Although Maxwell’s equations are mentioned in the text to alert the student, they are not used in developing the principles. It is assumed that the students would have taken a basic first- or second-year physics course, with modern physics, and would have seen rudimentary concepts in geometrical optics, interference, and diffraction, but not Fresnel’s equations and concepts such as group velocity and group index. Typically an optoelectronics course would be given either after a semiconductor devices course or concurrently with it. Students would have been exposed to elementary quantum mechanics concepts, perhaps in conjunction with a basic semiconductor science course.
2022-02-24 06:37:17 29.4MB EE
2019-12-21 21:12:20 8.78MB Waves and Fields in
光电子学与光子学--原理与实践 作者为 S.O.Kasap著 罗凤光 译 中国工信出版集团
2019-12-21 20:37:16 6.13MB optoelectronics
Optoelectronics and Photonics Principles and Practices (光电子学与光子学 原理与实践), 2nd. KASAP S O. 2012
2019-12-21 18:58:04 29.53MB Optoelectron Photonics