Informatica PowerCenter RealTime Option
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1.0 Overview 3 1.1 Goals of a Plug and Play System BIOS 4 1.2 Enhancements to the current BIOS architecture 5 1.3 Elements of the Plug and Play BIOS architecture 6 1.3.1 Bi-modal functionality 6 1.3.2 OS Independence 6 1.3.3 Expandability 6 1.4 Installation Structure 7 2.0 System BIOS Initialization 7 2.1 System BIOS POST Requirements 7 2.1.1 System Board Storage Requirements 8 2.1.2 System BIOS Resource Management 9 2.1.3 Isolating Committed Resources 9 2.1.4 System BIOS Resource Allocation 9 2.2 Plug and Play ISA Card Support 11 2.2.1 Assigning CSN to Plug and Play ISA cards 11 2.2.2 Initializing Plug and Play ISA Cards 11 2.3 BIOS POST Option ROM Initialization 12 2.4 Transferring Control to the Operating System 13 2.5 POST Execution flow 13 3.0 Option ROM Support 16 3.1 Option ROM Header 16 3.2 Expansion Header for Plug and Play 17 3.3 Option ROM Initialization 22 3.4 Option ROM Initialization flow 23 3.5 ISA Option ROMs and Resource Mapping 24 3.6 Error Recovery: Returning to the Boot flow 24 4.0 Configuration Support 25 4.1 System Device Configuration List 25 4.2 System Device Node Definition 25 4.3 Plug and Play BIOS Functions 29 4.4 Plug and Play Installation Check 29 4.4.1 System BIOS Plug and Play Compliance - "$PnP" 32 4.5 System Configuration Interface 34 4.5.1 Function 0 - Get Number of System Device Nodes 35 4.5.2 Function 1 - Get System Device Node 36 4.5.3 Function 2 - Set System Device Node 38 4.6 Event Notification Interface 40 4.6.1 Function 3 - Get Event 42 4.6.2 Function 4 - Send Message 43 4.6.3 Function 5 - Get Docking Station Information 47 4.6.4 Function 6 - Reserved 49 4.6.5 Function 7 - Reserved 49 4.6.6 Function 8 - Reserved 49 4.7 Extended Configuration Services 50 4.7.1 Function 9 - Set Statically Allocated Resource Information 51 4.7.2 Function 0Ah - Get Statically Allocated Resource Information 53 4.7.3 Function 40h - Get Plug & Play ISA Configuration Structure 54 4.7.4 Function 41h - Get Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) Info 56 4.7.5 Function 42h - Read Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) 56 4.7.6 Function 43h - Write Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) 57 4.8 Power Management Services 58 4.8.1 Function 0Bh - Get APM ID Table 58 Appendix A: Generic Option ROM Headers 61 Appendix B: Device Driver Initialization Model 62 Appendix C: Return Codes
2023-07-19 17:29:04 396KB System BIOS Initialization Option
首先看一下我们的效果图。 这个颜色可能搭配的有些不合适,但基本功能大都实现了。就是你和你同桌对话,你发的消息在你的左侧,而在他设备的右侧。 首先先写好整体的框架,在一个大容器中放两个盒子,分别是左侧和右侧的界面。然后每个盒子里面包含了三大部分:头部、内容区、和底部。只要写好一侧,另一侧进行粘贴复制就可以了。 首先定义一个大的 来盛放左右两个盒子。
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