VoicePrint 是一款基于高斯混合模型的文本无关的声纹识别算法验证程序 VoicePrint的特点是: 语音特征向量:采用MFCC系数(梅尔倒谱系数) 模式匹配模型:采用GMM模型(高斯混合模型) 本程序为课程实验验证开发,所实现的声纹识别算法难免有错误及不妥之处! 提醒:因为本程序是简略的验证程序,建议不要在正式项目中直接使用本程序中的声纹识别代码。 标签:openVP
2021-11-16 13:26:52 75KB 开源项目
Dragonfly was written to make it very easy for Python macros, scripts, and applications to interface with speech recognition engines. Its design allows speech commands and grammar objects to be treated as first-class Python objects. This allows easy and intuitive definition of complex command grammars and greatly simplifies processing recognition results.
2019-12-21 20:33:14 7.03MB python openVP dragonfly 声纹识别