先对ONFI标准进行了介绍,然后再设计了一种支持ONFI2.1标准源同步高速模式的NAND Flash控制器,包括状态机的设计,接口的设计等。对设计中遇到的源同步模式下,信号的对齐问题进行了说明,并提出了一种解决方法。同时设计中还会遇到数据跨时钟域传输的问题,本文也给出了解决办法。最后仿真和综合结果表明,本文的设计完全满足标准要求,具有实际的使用价值。
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Open NAND Flash Interface Specification, Revision 4.0 04 02 2014; This specification defines a standardized NAND Flash device interface that provides the means for a system to be designed that supports a range of NAND Flash devices without direct design pre-association. The solution also provides the means for a system to seamlessly make use of new NAND devices that may not have existed at the time that the system was designed.
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This specification defines a standardized NAND Flash device interface that provides the means for a system to be designed that supports a range of NAND Flash devices without direct design pre-association. The solution also provides the means for a system to seamlessly make use of new NAND devices that may not have existed at the time that the system was designed.
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