In this letter, we propose a simple orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for an asynchronous cooperative system, where OFDM is implemented at the source node, and time-reversion and complex conjugation are implemented at the relay nodes. The cyclic prefix (CP) at the source node is used for combating the timing errors the relay nodes. In this scheme, the received signals at the destination node have the Alamouti code structure on each subcarrier, and thus, it has the fast symbol-wise ML decoding. It should be emphasized that the relay nodes only need to implement the time-reversion, some sign changes plus to minus, and/or the complex conjugation to the received signals, and no IDFT or DFT operation is needed.It is shown that this simple scheme achieves second-order diversity gain without the synchronization requirement at the relay nodes.
2022-09-23 22:00:59 105KB to_the_letter cooperative_nodes
Electronic Nodes
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节点-restful-api 带有 NodeJS 和 Restify 的简单博客 RESTful API 将 MONGO_URL 设置为您的 MongoDB URL
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TransMat v0.6.2 传输,翻译,转换,转移混合器材质到虚幻 描述 TransMat是Blender的节点编辑器的附加组件。 它创建了一个python文件,该文件将立即自动在Unreal中重新创建Blender材质。 请查看页面底部的示例,以查看其外观! 如何安装和使用 下载并解压缩文件,然后在Blender中,单击“编辑” > “首选项” > “附件” > “安装”,然后选择“” 这将向“节点编辑器”添加属性面板。 创建材料后,选择目录以将python文件输出到。 然后,如果需要,可以为要放置的材质和纹理指定“虚幻”导入子文件夹。 如果您未指定
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设计了合适的认知节点,搭建了C-Ad Hoc网络架构。通过将AODV算法进行适当修改,使其能够运行在C-Ad Hoc网络上,仿真结果验证了该网络模型的可行性。
UE4节点连线插件, 很好的节点修改器,非常适合制作蓝图的会员
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Vehicular communications refer to a wide range of networks proposed for environments characterized by sparse connectivity, frequent network partitioning, intermittent connectivity, long propagation delays, asymmetric data rates, and high error rates. These environments may also be characterized by a
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A Range-Based Monte Carlo Box Algorithm for Mobile Nodes Localization in WSNs
2021-02-07 12:05:46 1.15MB 研究论文
nodejs设计模式 第二版 原书高清pdf附随书代码,英文版
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