Previous generations of mobile networks enabled voice, data, video, and other life-changing services. In comparison, 5G will change our society by opening up the telecom ecosystem to vertical industries. 5G will help vertical industries to achieve the “Internet of Everything” vision of ubiquitously connected, highly reliable, ultra-low latency services for massive number of devices. Service-guaranteed network slicing introduced in this white paper is one of the essential features for 5G to achieve this vision. Key players from operators, vendors, and vertical industries have come together to establish a common understanding on service-guaranteed network slicing in terms of the vision, end-to end (E2E) solution, key enabling technologies, and the impacts for vertical industries. This white paper describes the thinking on network slicing in 5G
2021-12-11 20:19:49 1.43MB 5G 白皮书
3GPP management and orchestration of 5G networks and network slicing
2021-09-23 17:20:02 1.13MB 5G
使用mininet和RYU调整网络切片 拓扑结构 h1 h2 | | |50Mbps | 50Mbps | | _________ /________/| | || | s1 || |________|/ 情境 给定3个流: f1:DST: f2:DST: f3:DST: 目的 当某些流不使用对它们可用的带宽时,其他流将获得比原始分配更多的带宽。 局限性和方案 由于该项目旨在作为大学课程的
2021-08-21 18:12:10 39KB sdn qos mininet network-slicing
3GPP TS 23.501 V16.1.0 5.15 Network Slicing-中英文对照版V1,个人翻译的协议内容,仅供参考
2021-08-10 16:24:07 681KB 翻译 协议