| | PyTorch几何态是时间(动态)扩展文库。 该库包含来自各种已发表研究论文的各种动态和时间几何深度学习,嵌入以及时空回归方法。此外,它还提供了易于使用的数据集加载器和迭代器,用于动态和时间图以及gpu支持。它还附带了许多带有时间和动态图的基准数据集(您也可以创建自己的数据集)。 引用 如果您发现PyTorch Geometric Temporal和新的数据集对您的研究有用,请考虑添加以下引用: @misc { pytorch_geometric_temporal , author = { Benedek, Rozemberczki and Paul, Scherer and Yixuan, He and Oliver, Kiss and Nicolas, Collignon } , title = { {PyTorch Geometric Tempor
网络科学与Python和NetworkX快速入门指南 Packt发行的《使用Python的网络科学和NetworkX快速入门指南》 这是Packt发行的的代码库。 有效地浏览和可视化网络数据 这本书是关于什么的? NetworkX是领先的免费开源软件包,用于使用Python编程语言进行网络科学。 NetworkX可以跟踪个人和关系的属性,查找社区,分析弹性,检测关键网络位置以及执行各种重要任务。 在版本2的最新发行版中,NetworkX已更新为更强大且易于使用。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 了解如何管理用户,组和权限 使用Linux Unified Key Setup / Luks加密和解密磁盘 设置SSH以进行远程访问,并将其连接到其他节点 了解如何添加,删除和搜索软件包 使用NFS和Samba与其他用户共享目录 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组
2021-06-30 20:12:37 9.36MB JupyterNotebook
network an introduction is the famous book for network science
2021-06-29 11:27:23 16.73MB network scale-free graph
Networks are everywhere: networks of friends, transportation networks and the Web. Neurons in our brains and proteins within our bodies form networks that determine our intelligence and survival. This modern, accessible textbook introduces the basics of network science for a wide range of job sectors from management to marketing, from biology to engineering, and from neuroscience to the social sciences. Students will develop important, practical skills and learn to write code for using networks in their areas of interest - even as they are just learning to program with Python. Extensive sets of tutorials and homework problems provide plenty of hands-on practice and longer programming tutorials online further enhance students' programming skills. This intuitive and direct approach makes the book ideal for a first course, aimed at a wide audience without a strong background in mathematics or computing but with a desire to learn the fundamentals and applications of network science.
2021-05-18 18:28:18 5.13MB 社会网络
:direct_hit: 关于这个项目 Football Passing Networks是一个交互式Web应用程序,用于探索足球Passing Networks上的数据可视化。 :globe_with_meridians: 网站 :soccer_ball: 关于传递网络 :books: 文件 Pappalardo,L.,Cintia,P.,Rossi,A。等。 科学数据6,236. 2019。 BuldúJM,Busquets J,MartínezJ​​H,Herrera-Diestra JL,Echegoyen I,Galeano J和Luque J(2018)。 面前。 Psychol。 9:1900 Buldú,JM,Busquets,J.,Echegoyen,I。等。 Sci Rep 9,13602,2019。 Gonçalves,Bruno和Coutinho,Diogo和Santos,Sara和Peñas,Carlos和Saiz,Sergio和Sampaio,Jaime。 一等奖。 2017年12月12日。 Korte F,Link D,Groll J
2021-01-29 20:10:51 224.6MB clojure clojurescript graphs network-science
Network Science (Albert-László Barabási) Network Science (Albert-László Barabási)
2019-12-21 21:54:53 16.52MB Network Science Albert László
Network science is becoming an increasingly valuable skill for both researchers and data scientists. Tools originally developed by sociologists and other researchers working with pen and paper have seen a resurgence as online platforms and social networks create huge datasets and advances in computer hardware make it feasible to analyze those data sets.
2019-12-21 20:31:50 13.08MB Python
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2019-12-21 20:01:29 16.64MB complex network
Network Science 英文版,超清晰,非扫描