2023-12-16 07:01:29 669KB java multithreading thread 线程
文件下载器 概述 FileDownloader是一个下载管理器,它使用户可以指定URL并下载附加的数据。 借助多线程方法,可以同时启动多个下载。 下载可以暂停,重新启动,中止。 该程序还会保留上一次程序运行完成的下载和已中止的下载的历史记录。 历史记录显示在不同的表中,并且用户可以随时将其删除。 如果该程序关闭,则所有下载都将暂停,并且可以在下一个程序打开时恢复。 如何运行程序 要运行该程序,建议在conda环境中安装以下软件包: conda create -n yourCondaEnvName python=3.8.5 conda install pyqt=5.9.2 pip install requests 在要求时始终安装必需的依赖项。 然后可以从gui文件夹中的脚本main.py运行该程序。 详细功能 下载页面和历史记录页面: 这里列出了程序的主要功能: 要下载文件,必须在
2022-10-28 14:44:05 195KB pyqt5 multithreading python3 file-downloader
C++ Multithreading Cookbook C++ Multithreading Cookbook C++ Multithreading Cookbook
2022-05-18 08:57:21 3.1MB C++ Multithread
producer_consumer_using_multithreading_in_java 用Java实现的经典生产者消费者问题的多线程解决方案
2022-05-13 15:00:48 2KB Java
Multithreading with C# Cookbook - Second Edition April 2016 Over 70 recipes to get you writing powerful and efficient multithreaded, asynchronous, and parallel programs in C# 6.0 Book Description Multi-core processors are synonymous with computing speed and power in today’s world, which is why multithreading has become a key concern for C# developers. Multithreaded code helps you create effective, scalable, and responsive applications. This is an easy-to-follow guide that will show you difficult programming problems in context. You will learn how to solve them with practical, hands-on, recipes. With these recipes, you’ll be able to start creating your own scalable and reliable multithreaded applications. Starting from learning what a thread is, we guide you through the basics and then move on to more advanced concepts such as task parallel libraries, C# asynchronous functions, and much more. Rewritten to the latest C# specification, C# 6, and updated with new and modern recipes to help you make the most of the hardware you have available, this book will help you push the boundaries of what you thought possible in C#. What You Will Learn Use C# 6.0 asynchronous language features Work with raw threads, synchronize threads, and coordinate their work Develop your own asynchronous API with Task Parallel Library Work effectively with a thread pool Scale up your server application with I/O threads Parallelize your LINQ queries with PLINQ Use common concurrent collections Apply different parallel programming patterns Use Reactive Extensions to run asynchronous operations and manage their options
2022-04-27 13:07:11 2.35MB C# 多线程
2022-04-12 17:26:00 707KB halcon Thread WPF
2022-02-16 02:16:35 3KB 京东 评论 多线程爬取
java抓取技术源码 多线程爬虫--抓取淘宝商品详情页URL 本项目是一个Java编写的多线程爬虫系统。此系统与我之前开发的结合使用,共抓取了淘宝近3000个页面,从中解析到了近9万的商品详情页URL。 我并没有直接将这些商品详情页中最具价值的数据(商品信息)提取出来,因为这些富有价值的数据对于目前的我来说并不是特别具有吸引力。开发这个项目当初的本意也只是为了锻炼自己开发多线程应用程序的能力,并且真正的与反爬虫做对抗,最终我成功了~ 我会将抓取到的数据(近9万商品详情页URL)提供给大家,如果大家需要真正的商品信息,而你们又没有什么好的办法,那么就花半天时间阅读一下此项目的源码吧,最后只要在这个代码的框架上稍作修改,这个多线程爬虫系统将完全满足你们的需求。 环境需求 JDK 1.8 MySQL Redis IDEA Maven 实现架构 包名 功能 database 有关MySQL与Redis数据库的配置类及操作类 httpbrower 发送HTTP请求,接收Response相关类 ipproxypool IP代理池 mainmethod Main方法入口 mythread 项目相关线
2022-01-17 09:26:05 39KB 系统开源
Mastering C++ Multithreading 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-12-29 16:07:30 5.79MB Mastering C++
ndt_omp 该软件包提供了从pcl派生的OpenMP增强的正态分布变换(和GICP)算法。 将NDT算法修改为对SSE友好并且是多线程的。 它的运行速度比pcl中的原始版本快10倍。 基准测试(在Core i7-6700K上) $ roscd ndt_omp/data $ rosrun ndt_omp align 251370668.pcd 251371071.pcd --- pcl::NDT --- single : 282.222[msec] 10times: 2921.92[msec] fitness: 0.213937 --- pclomp::NDT (KDTREE, 1 threads) --- single : 207.697[msec] 10times: 2059.19[msec] fitness: 0.213937 --- pclomp::NDT (DIRECT7,
2021-12-24 20:21:02 1.67MB matching multithreading point-cloud ros