Saksham:可定制的基于x86的多核微处理器模拟器。 一个C ++项目,旨在创建一个平台,用于仿真基于x86的多核微处理器和汇编器系列的基本功能(寄存器和指令集)。 该项目是本文提出的概念的实现:文档:
2023-03-14 08:40:42 2.71MB 开源软件
本研究论文旨在比较两款多核处理器机器,英特尔酷睿 i7-4960X 处理器(Ivy Bridge E)和 AMD Phenom II X6。 它首先引入单核处理器机器来激发对多核处理器的需求。 然后,它解释了多核处理器机器以及在实现它们时出现的问题。 它还提供了现实生活中的示例机器,例如 TILEPro64 和 Epiphany-IV 64 核 28nm 微处理器 (E64G401)。 用于比较 Intel Core i7 和 AMD phenom II 处理器的方法首先解释了如何测量处理器的性能,然后列出最重要和最相关的技术规格进行比较。 之后,通过使用功率、超线程技术的使用、运行频率、AES 加密和解密的使用以及缓存的不同特性(如大小、分类及其使用情况)等不同指标运行比较。内存控制器。 最后,粗略地决定其中哪一个在所有性能上更好。
2022-05-22 20:51:57 378KB Single-core processor multi-core
讲解如何通过TASKING 创建一个支持英飞凌芯片的多核例程,讲解细致到位,值得参考和借鉴。推荐大家下载,如需相关英飞凌资源也可以直接私信我,欢迎沟通!!!!
2021-11-15 16:33:44 1.4MB AURIX Multicore 英飞凌 多核开发
2021-09-05 22:30:18 1.53MB risc-v computer
Multi-Core User Manual How to deal with MICROSAR Multi-Core Projects
2021-08-19 09:21:05 1.44MB autosar multi core
A key determinant of overall system performance and power dissipation is the cache hierarchy since access to off-chip memory consumes many more cycles and energy than on-chip accesses. In addition, multi-core processors are expected to place ever higher bandwidth demands on the memory system. All these issues make it important to avoid off-chip memory access by improving the efficiency of the on-chip cache. Future multi-core processors will have many large cache banks connected by a network and shared by many cores. Hence, many important problems must be solved: cache resources must be allocated across many cores, data must be placed in cache banks that are near the accessing core, and the most important data must be identified for retention. Finally, difficulties in scaling existing technologies require adapting to and exploiting new technology constraints. The book attempts a synthesis of recent cache research that has focused on innovations for multi-core processors. It is an excellent starting point for early-stage graduate students, researchers, practitioners who wish to understand the landscape of recent cache research. The book is suitable as a reference for advanced computer architecture classes as well as for experienced researchers and VLSI engineers.
2021-08-11 22:05:36 1.53MB Multi- Comput
这是一本比较学术的书了, 是美国做多核研究的教授联合SUN编写的关于多核系统设计和编程的问题的综述。 对于有志于从事系统底层设计的朋友有借鉴或者入门的作用。
2021-08-11 22:02:31 5.1MB CMP multi-core
VECTOR autosar 多核系统各模块的使用指南,是了解autosar 多核架构的很好的资料。
2021-05-18 14:02:42 1.66MB multi-core autosar vector
4-3-Large Effective Area Hole-Walled Multi-Core Fibers
2021-02-02 12:33:23 395KB 光通信