基于C++的消息中间件MQ4CPP V1.16,包含:消息存储和转发、消息的订阅和发布、消息的广播、消息的持久化、消息的路由、消息的加密和解密、消息的压缩和解压
2023-03-09 20:46:16 1.33MB MQ4CPP 消息中间件 1.16 C++
2021-05-18 20:51:43 6.95MB mq4cpp
MQ4CPP (Message Queuing for C++) is an implementation of enterprise messaging system, aka "message-oriented middleware" (MOM). It lets C++ application threads communicate with one another through exchanging messages. A message is a request, report, and/or event that contains information needed to coordinate communication between different applications. It provides a level of abstraction, so you can separate the details about the destination system from the application code. MQ4CCP lets C++ applications that share a messaging system exchange messages, and simplifies application development by providing a standard interface for creating, sending, and receiving messages. It implements the following messaging paradigms: Direct/Indirect messaging (local), unsolicited messaging (remote), Request/Reply (remote), conversation (remote), and broadcast (local/remote).
2020-01-03 11:34:50 1.31MB C++ 消息中间件 MQ4CPP