NoSQLBooster for MongoDB v4.7.5可用注册码,注意:一定要设置host
2023-03-01 16:01:14 264B NoSQLB MongoD v4.7.5
mongodb 命令行mongod启动报错 about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 3560 ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 1 To see additional information in this output, start without the "--fork" option. 可能的问题原因: 已经有mongd进程在运行了 配置错误(如dbpath log等)
2022-11-30 09:02:56 32KB ab c ce
2022-09-13 15:05:38 65.9MB arm64 linux mongod pymong
Navicat for MongoDB.12 非汉化版,包中有破译工具,自身测试可用
2022-07-20 16:13:39 66.05MB mongoD
2022-05-09 17:59:10 849B 12
在Java程序中如果要使用MongoDB,需要MongoDB JDBC驱动。本资源内含4个文件:mongo-java-driver-3.9.1.jar,MongoDB JDBC驱动包。mongo-java-driver-3.9.1-sources.jar,MongoDB JDBC驱动源代码包。mongo-java-driver-3.9.1-javadoc.jar,MongoDB JDBC驱动JAVA API文档包。mongo-java-driver-3.9.1.xml,MongoDB JDBC驱动Maven POM文件。
2022-03-16 15:12:10 6.63MB MongoD Java
Save Game Pro is a complete, powerful and feature-rich save game solution for Unity (Game Engine) that lets you save everything such as Components, Data Types, GameObjects including Custom Data Types at everywhere including Web & Cloud, Local Storage, PlayerPrefs, Database. Save Game Pro has an Elegant and Complete API for controlling saved data, for example, by using the API you can check if a data exists or you can Retrieve the saved files list and show them to the user. Works well with Unity 2017.x and higher and also you can make it work with older Unity versions just ignore the warning before importing the package. Tested on the below Unity versions: - 2018.2, 2018.1, 2017.4, 2017.3, 2017.2, 2017.1, 5.6 But it works well with older and newer versions too, so just contact us if you had any issues for importing the package.
2022-03-06 16:01:10 6.03MB Load Save mongod mysql
2018-08-17最新的mongodb compass稳定社区版, win7及以上,64位。官网正版,只想分享, 不想要积分。
2021-10-26 16:43:44 147.51MB MongoD Compass community free
MongoDB64位 MongoDB是一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库。由C++语言编写。旨在为WEB应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案。 MongoDB是一个介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品,是非关系数据库当中功能最丰富,最像关系数据库的。它支持的数据结构非常松散,是类似json的bson格式,因此可以存储比较复杂的数据类型。Mongo最大的特点是它支持的查询语言非常强大,其语法有点类似于面向对象的查询语言,几乎可以实现类似关系数据库单表查询的绝大部分功能,而且还支持对数据建立索引。
2021-10-14 11:05:19 157.29MB MongoD
2021-10-13 18:05:08 870B mongo