2023-02-17 17:48:31 554KB Drip sIEve JSLeaksDetector memory leak
node-oom-heapdump 即将在发生“内存不足”错误之前创建V8堆快照的节点模块。 它还可以根据请求创建堆转储和CPU配置文件,例如“ v8-profiler”,但是这样做是在进程外进行的,因此不会干扰主进程的执行。 在Node.js 7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,13.x和14.x上进行了测试。 目前不支持Node.js <7.0(尽管如果需要可以修复)。 由于Stuart Miller( ),还附带了预构建的二进制文件(托管在Github发行版中)。 为什么? 当在内存不足的环境中运行nodejs进程时,发生的每一次内存不足都是很有趣的。 为了弄清为什么进程内存不足,堆快照(例如heapdump)可以提供很多帮助。 该模块将在发生内存不足错误之前(通过利用V8引擎的'SetOOMErrorHandler')创建一个堆快照。 它显示了在发生内
2023-01-12 14:01:45 26KB nodejs memory memory-leak cpu-profiling
2022-09-26 18:13:46 890KB memory leak
Find-Unity-ManagedStaticReferences 当我们使用 Unity Profiler 查看内存时,经常有些贴图等资源的引用只有一个 ManagedStaticReferences() 引用,怎么都卸载不掉。 使用 Memory Profiler 也查找不到谁引用的。现在终于找到方法,开心,分享给大家。 具体思路: 维护一个 key 是 物件 Hierarchy 路径, value 是 WeakReference 的字典,收集所有可能会泄漏的组件 在需要 Check 的物件挂靠的脚本里 添加该 Componet 的 弱引用到字典 查看 Alive 状态,Alive 为 true ,但 target 为空的即为泄漏者,打印他的路径 如果单纯查找 UI 贴图的内存泄漏,例如 NGUI 可以只在 UIWidget 的 Awake 里添加弱引用到字典, UGUI 的话需要
2021-12-03 22:07:43 2KB unity profiler unity3d memory-leak
C ++内存泄漏检测 mfc 源代码 中文说明
2021-02-19 21:06:59 2.21MB 内存泄漏检测c++
Enhanced Memory Leak Detection for Visual C++ Visual Leak Detector is a free, robust, open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++. It's pretty easy to use. After installing it, you just need to tell Visual C++ where to find the included header and library file. Then it can be used with any C/C++ project simply by adding the following line to your code: #include When you run your program under the Visual Studio debugger, Visual Leak Detector will output a memory leak report at the end of your debugging session. The leak report includes the full call stack showing how any leaked memory blocks were allocated. Double-click on a line in the call stack to jump to that file and line in the editor window. It's a very effective way to quickly diagnose, and fix, memory leaks in C/C++ applications. The main difference between the CRT Debug Library and VLD, is that Visual Leak Detector shows you the complete callstack used for memory allocation has led to the leak.
2020-12-06 23:31:56 2.82MB Memory Leak Detection Visual