Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.pdf
2023-03-06 20:30:20 1.08MB Handbook of Mathematical Functions
2021-12-06 16:10:58 46.39MB 数学函数 手册
This handbook results from a 10-year project conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology with an international group of expert authors and validators. Printed in full color, it is destined to replace its predecessor, the classic but long-outdated Handbook of Mathematical Functions, edited by Abramowitz and Stegun. Included with every copy is a CD with a searchable PDF of each chapter.
2021-11-06 19:55:22 27.8MB Mathematical
针对各大科研机构,研究生,博士、教师等科研工作者用于推导公式,发高级别论文所用! 【全新彩印】有封面,有目录,完整性好
2021-11-06 12:01:12 13.8MB 数学函数手册
使用任意精度的高级Java BigDecimal数学函数( pow , sqrt , log , sin ,...)。 另请参阅官方的。 大十进制数学 BigDecimalMath类为以下各项提供了有效且准确的实现: log(BigDecimal, MathContext) exp(BigDecimal, MathContext) pow(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext)计算x ^ y sqrt(BigDecimal, MathContext) root(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext)计算x的第n个根 sin(BigDecimal, MathContext) cos(BigDecimal, MathContext) tan(BigDecimal, MathContext) asin(BigD
Milton Abramowitz, Irene A. Stegun-Handbook of Mathematical Functions_ with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables-National Bureau of Standards (1970), 资源来自互联网
2021-10-09 22:25:31 37.59MB 数学手册
2021-09-26 17:14:18 70.36MB 特殊函数 级数
数学函数手册 原名:Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 共上千页的数学函数整理
Modern developments in theoretical and applied science depend on knowledge of the properties of mathematical functions, from elementary trigonometric functions to the multitude of special functions. These functions appear whenever natural phenomena are studied, engineering problems are formulated, and numerical simulations are performed. They also crop up in statistics, financial models, and economic analysis. Using them effectively requires practitioners to have ready access to a reliable collection of their properties. This handbook results from a 10-year project conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology with an international group of expert authors and validators. Printed in full color, it is destined to replace its predecessor, the classic but long-outdated Handbook of Mathematical Functions, edited by Abramowitz and Stegun. Included with every copy of the book is a CD with a searchable PDF of each chapter.
2021-06-01 20:32:01 27.8MB Handbook Mathematical Functions