2022-05-29 22:26:28 21KB LIDC malignant 图像
This text addresses all aspects of patient evaluation and care. This includes new findings in imaging that provide a better understanding of the extent of the lesion as well as its relationship with critical neuroanatomic function. The evolution of intraoperative imaging, functional brain mapping,and technology to identify tumor from brain is covered. This has significantly improved the ability of surgeons to more safely and aggressively remove tumors.More importantly, a better understanding of tumor biology and genomics has created an opportunity to significantly revise tumor classification and better select optimal therapy for individual patients. The text covers novel and innovative treatment options including immunotherapy, tumor vaccines, antiangiogenic agents,and personalized cancer treatment. In addition, novel agent delivery techniques are covered to offer the potential for increasing the effectiveness of treatment by delivering active agents directly where they are needed most. Malignant Brain Tumors: State-of-the-Art Treatment provides a comprehensive overview of treatment for malignant gliomas, and will prove useful by updating physicians on new therapeutic paradigms and what is on the horizon for the near future. This text will be informative for surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, residents and students who treat these patients,as well as those who are training for a career in managing patients with these challenging tumors. ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-10 15:56:37 5.8MB 英文
恶性淋巴瘤是一种影响淋巴结的癌症。一组代表三种类型的恶性淋巴瘤:CLL(慢性淋巴细胞性白血病);FL(滤泡状淋巴瘤); MCL(套细胞淋巴瘤)。从经切片并用苏木精/曙红(H + E)染色的活组织检查中区分淋巴瘤类别的能力将使该疾病的诊断更加一致且要求不高。只有专门研究这些类型的淋巴瘤的最专业的病理学家才能从H + E染色的活组织检查中一致,准确地对这三种淋巴瘤类型进行分类。标准做法是使用特定于类的探针,以便可靠地区分这些类。
2021-07-22 20:55:26 1.35GB 数据集