泛函分析讲义(MIT辅助教材)Functional analysis lecture notes by T.B. Ward,英文非扫描版
2023-09-24 13:36:33 497KB 泛函分析 MIT
简介 · · · · · ·   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter ... (展开全部)   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter the points in cyclic order p, q, r, p,...; and the incircle relation pqrs, which states that s lies inside that circle if pqr is true, or outside that circle if pqr is false. The author, Donald Knuth, is one of the greatest computer scientists of our time. A few years ago, he and some of his students were looking at a map that pinpointed the locations of about 100 cities. They asked, "Which of these cities are neighbors of each other?" They knew intuitively that some pairs of cities were neighbors and some were not; they wanted to find a formal mathematical characterization that would match their intuition. This monograph is the result.  
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ETH: Robot Dynamics Lecture Notes
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MIT 6.858 Computer Systems Security Lecture Notes
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国外非常好的有关有限元法的讲义,英文版 对有限元法的理论基础做了深入浅出的介绍,简单明了清晰,废话少
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算法交易、价差交易与风险控制讲义--ALGO TRADING LECTURE NOTES (1).ppt
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Hinton - Toronto University - Neural Network for Machine Learning Lecture Notes 课件 有 ppt & pdf 两个版本
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Lecture Notes on Cryptography (麻省理工学院密码学讲义)
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UCM《机器学习导论笔记》,80页pdf CSE176 Introduction to Machine Learning 从经验中学习的软件开发和分析技术综述。具体主题包括:监督学习(分类、回归);无监督学习(聚类、降维);强化学习;计算学习理论。具体的技术包括:贝叶斯方法、混合模型、决策树、基于实例的方法、神经网络、内核机器、集成等等。
2021-10-08 23:19:35 3.47MB 机器学习
6.859/15.083 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Cutting Plane Methods I.
2021-09-23 14:04:05 191KB 整数规划 割平面法