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2023-02-10 17:41:09 28.51MB 微积分 数学 极限
[Ron Larson] Calculus, 10e [Ron Larson] Calculus, 10e [Ron Larson] Calculus, 10e
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By Ron Larson - Calculus: An Applied Approach: 8th (eigth) Edition
2022-02-28 23:29:47 21.2MB Calculus
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English | 2017 (2018 Edition) | 1288 Pages The Larson CALCULUS program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning.
2021-10-07 20:27:23 56.92MB Calculus Ron Larson Bruce
Calculus] 9th edition 彩图版(Edwards+Larson)Clear and Concise. Varberg focuses on the most critical concepts. This popular calculus text remains the shortest mainstream calculus book available — yet covers all relevant material needed by, and appropriate to, the study of calculus at this level. It's conciseness and clarity helps you focus on, and understand, critical concepts in calculus without them getting bogged down and lost in excessive and unnecessary detail. It is accurate, without being excessively rigorous, up-to-date without being faddish.
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Multivariable Calculus, 9th Edition by Ron Larson
2020-02-24 03:00:58 69.27MB Multi variable Calculus
Welcome to Calculus, Tenth Edition. We are proud to present this new edition to you. As with all editions, we have been able to incorporate many useful comments from you, our user. For this edition, we have introduced some new features and revised others. You will still find what you expect – a pedagogically sound, mathematically precise, and comprehensive textbook
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Calculus, 10th edition By Ron Larson 答案 Calculus, 10th edition By Ron Larson 答案
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