k 用法 1.添加到您的项目 // build.gradle repositories { maven { url = " https://jitpack.io " } } dependencies { // Ekho modImplementation " com.github.SpaceClouds42:Ekho:0.3.0 " include " com.github.SpaceClouds42:Ekho:0.3.0 " } 2.利润
2021-04-09 09:05:47 68KB kotlin-dsl fabrik ekho Kotlin
Kotlin HTML JVM使用 repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { // JVM version of the HTML library implementation( " dev.scottpierce.kotlin-html:kotlin-html-writer-jvm:0.7.24 " ) // If you are using Ktor, you can use this as well implementation( " dev.scottpierce.kotlin-html:kotlin-html-ktor:0.7.24 " ) } 多平台使用 repositories { jcenter() } kotlin { commonMain { dependencies { implementation( " dev.scottpierce.kotlin-html:kotlin-html-writer:0.7.24 " )
2021-02-03 01:06:23 364KB kotlin html template-engine gradle