查看kafka上面数据的可视化工具, kafkatool-1.0.exe, 可以查看kafka 0.11一下版本:0.8, 0.9, 0.10
2022-10-27 18:06:31 50.08MB kafka kafkatool
2022-09-27 16:52:59 44.93MB kafkatool
1、图形化界面可以直观地查看 Kafka 的 Topic 里的内容 2、自由设置 Kafka 数据展示格式 3、使用 Kafka Tool 创建/删除 Topic 4、使用 Kafka Tool 模拟发送 Messages
2022-08-02 22:04:05 53.42MB kafka kafkatool kafka工具 创建Topic
window 64位 亲测可用kafkaTool
2022-03-11 16:04:23 44.93MB kafkaTool kafka
To download the Kafka UI Tool for your operating system, use the links below. All versions of Kafka Tool come with a bundled JRE with the exception of the Linux version. For Linux, you must have Java 8 installed on your operating system before using Kafka Tool. After downloading, refer to the Documentation to configure Kafka Tool correctly. View change history to see recent updates to Kafka Tool. Before clicking on the download button below, carefully read the terms of the license agreement. By clicking and downloading the software you are consenting to be bound by the license agreement. Do not click on download unless you agree to all terms of the license agreement. Kafka Tool is free for personal use only. Kafka Tool supports Apache Kafka ® version 0.8.1 and above.
2021-11-25 17:00:35 53.14MB kafkatool v1.0.3
kafkatool 国内可能下载不了,搞32 64位的都压缩在一起了Kafka Tool 2.0.7( 32\64) To download the Kafka UI Tool for your operating system, use the links below. All versions of Kafka Tool come with a bundled JRE with the exception of the Linux version. For Linux, you must have Java 8 installed on your operating
2021-10-27 17:06:07 112.87MB kafkatool kafkatool32 kafkatool64 kafkatool.exe
kafkatool mac 版,linux版本 Kafka Tool 2.0.7 To download the Kafka UI Tool for your operating system, use the links below. All versions of Kafka Tool come with a bundled JRE with the exception of the Linux version. For Linux, you must have Java 8 installed on your operating system before using Kafka To
2021-09-16 17:59:44 13.76MB kafkatool kafkatool.sh kafkatool.dmg
kafkatool_64bit,是一个在windwos端,连接 kafka 的官网工具,可以用来,连接kafka,增加主题,针对主题增加消息,没有发现消费消息的地方。
2021-09-06 14:22:09 58.87MB kafkatool_64bit
kafka可视化工具 ---kafkatool 。使用该工具可以连接kafka,非常方便的查看topic、consumer、消息。
2021-07-20 15:41:53 58.54MB kafka kafkatool kafka可视化工具
2021-06-28 20:07:07 44.75MB kafka 消息队列 可视化工具 消息中间件