《JSP程序设计从入门到精通》电子书   第1篇 入门篇 7   第1章 Jsp概述 技术分析 7    1.1 Jsp简介与历史背景 7    1.1.1 日新月异的Web技术 7    1.1.2 什么是JSP 8    1.1.3 JSP技术有以下几个显著的优点 9    1.1.4 JSP和其他类似或相关技术的一个简单比较 10    1.2 JSP环境安装配置 12    1.2.1Tomcat下JSP环境的配置 12    1.2.1建立自己的Jsp工作目录 13    1.3 JSP语法介绍 14    1.3.1 JSP页面中的元素 14    1.3.2 JSP语法概要 15    1.3.3关于模板文本(静态HTML) 16    1.4 运行第一个Jsp程序 16    1. 5本章小结 20   第2章Jsp 基础学习 20    2.1 JSP基本语法 20    2.1.1 JSP 语法之声明 21    2.1.2 JSP 语法之表达式 21    2.1.3 JSP 语法之Scriptlet 21    2.2 JSP的指令 22    2.2.1 page指令(Directive) 22    2.2.2 include指令(Directive) 24    2.3 JSP的动作 25    2.3.1 jsp:include动作 25    2.3.2 jsp:useBean动作 27    2.3.3 jsp:setProperty动作 29    2.3.4 jsp:getProperty动作 30    2.3.5 jsp: forward动作 31    2.3.6 jsp: plugin动作 31    2.3.7注释 31    2.4 JSP 9种基本内置组件 31    2.5 JSP中Session的使用 34    2.6 JSP中forward的使用 36    2.7 JSP运行时错误处理与应该注意的六个常见问题 37    2.8 JSP小实例 38    2.8.1实例1(在JSP中定义函数) 38    2.8.2实例2(获取各种CGI环境变量) 39    2.8.3实例3(JSP里request变量列表) 42    2. 9本章小结 44   第3章JavaBean组件 44    3.1 什么是JavaBeans 45    3.1.1 JavaBeans 简介 45    3.1.2 JavaBeans 属性 45    3.1.3 JavaBeans 的事件 50    3.2 在Jsp中使用JavaBeans 55    3.3 JavaBeans的scope属性 57    3.4 JavaBeans应用实例 59    3.4.1 实例1(HelloWord.java) 59    3.4.2 实例2(People.java) 60    3.4.3实例子3数组应用 (Example2_3.java) 60    3.4.4实例子4运算符、表达式应用 (Example3_1.java) 61    3.5 本章小结 62   第4章Jsp与Servlet 62    4.1 什么是Servlets 63    4.1.1 JavaServlet的解释 63    4.1.2 什么是Jsp 65    4.1.3 得到一个Servlets和JSP的运行环境 66    4.1.4 实现第一个JSP和SERVELT 67    4.2 Servlet规范定义的Servlet 生命周期 70    4.3 JSP/Servlet的重定向技术综述 72    4.3.1 RequestDispatcher.forward() 72    4.3.2 response.sendRedirect() 73    4.4 理解会话 74    4.4.1 会话状态跟踪API 75    4.4.2 在会话对象中保存数据 76    4.4.3实例:显示会话信息 76    4.5 用Java Servlets代替CGI 78    4.6 JSP/Servlet 中的汉字编码问题 80    4.7 图解Eclipse+Tomcat集成开发Servlet 84    4.8 Servlets/JSP开发技术问答 93    4.9 Servlet小实例 97    4.5.1实例1(输出) 98    4.5.2实例2(获取表单参数) 99    4.5.3实例3(获取jsp各种参数) 101    4.10 本章小结 103   第2篇 数据库操作 103   第5章 全面解析JDBC 104    5.1 JDBC接口综述 104    5.2 JDBC产品组件 107    5.3 如何建立JDBC连接? 108    5.3 JDBC驱动管理内幕是怎么样的? 112    5.4 如何利用JDBC发送SQL 语句? 113    5.5如何获得SQL 语句的执行结果? 116    5.6 JDBC TM技术解析 119    5.3 JDBC API 123    5.3.1记录集接口 123    5.3.2 新的SQL 语句接口(Statement 接口) 129    5.3.3 处理新的SQL 数据类型(ARRAY REF) 133    5.4 JDBC API 3.0 简介 136    5.4.1 获取ParameterMetaData 接口实例对象的方法 137    5.4.2 ParameterMetaData 接口的方法 137    5.5 本章小结 140   第6章 JDBC厂商选择性实现包 140    6.1 RowSet包 140    6.1.1 RowSet包含的接口 140    6.1.2 RowSet 简介 141    6.1.3 RowSetListener 接口 144    6.1.4 RowSetEvent 类 148    6.2 CachedRowSet 包 148    6.2.1 CachedRowSet 包简介 148    6.2.2 BaseRowSet 类 149    6.2.3 CachedRowSet 类 149    6.3 数据库连接缓冲池 153    6.4 JNDI 和RowSet 154    6.5 RowSet之实践 157    6.6 本章小结 164   第7章 JSP数据库操作例程 164    7.1安装mysql 165    7.1.1第一步:下载mysql 165    7.1.2第二步:安装、配置mysql 165    7.1.3第三步:Mysql客户端连接Mysql服务器 166    7.1.4第四步:安装JDBC驱动: 166    7.1.5第五步:在MySQ中建数据库,数据表 167    7.1.6第六步:在JSP连接mysql 169    7.2 JSP连接数据库方法大全 171    7.3 Jsp连接mysql调用数据源方法 175    7.3.1对mysql数据库最基本的DB操作 175    7.3.2 调用对DB操作的方法 182    7.4 Jsp数据分页显示 184    7.5 jsp编写的留言本 188    7.5.1在mysql中建表 188    7.5.2编写的留言本 189    7.6 本章小结 200   第3篇 案例精讲 200   第8章 学生课绩管理系统 200    8.1系统概述 200    8.1.1 学生课绩管理系统的需求 200    8.1.2 学生课绩管理系统的概要设计 201    8.1.3 学生课绩管理系统的详细设计 202    8.2 数据库设计 207    8.2.1 创建数据库 207    8.2.2 数据表设计 208    8.3 数据连接 213    8.3.1建立数据库连接 213    8.3.2 安全策略 214    8.4 学生课绩管理系统设计 214    8.4.1 数据库操作公用模块 214    8.4.2学生模块 228    8.4.3教师模块 238    8.4.4管理模块 253、管理学生 255管理教师 272管理课程 286管理班级 303    8.5 学生课绩管理系统的疑难分析 325    8.6学生课绩管理系统的测试与发布 325    8.7 本章小结 327   附录1 TOMCAT完全攻略 327   附录2 java常用开发工具介绍 332   附录3 图解利用Eclipse3+Lomboz3+Tomcat开发JSP 335      本书较为全面地介绍了JSP技术,由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了JSP的运行系统,基本概念,语法规范及其相关内容,从基本的JSP概述、与其他技术的对比,到JSP的运行系统和模式,逐步深入地对JSP语法规范进行了详细的讲解,并结合应用实例加以巩固。全书与实际开发结合紧密,是学习JSP开发的一本很易上手的工具书。
2022-05-09 09:43:21 6.44MB JSP 设计 入门 pdf
JSP设计 第三版 英文原版,和适合有点英文基础的人来学习,资料还是英文的比较靠谱。
2022-05-02 08:05:57 2.12MB jsp
JSP设计(第二版).pdf JSP设计(第二版).pdf JSP设计(第二版).pdf
2022-03-17 11:04:14 17.42MB Java Web
Part I, JSP Application Basics Chapter 1 Explains how JSP fits into the big picture of web applications and how it compares to alternative technologies. Chapter 2 Describes the fundamental HTTP and servlet concepts you need to know to use JSP to its full potential. Chapter 3 An overview of the JSP features, as well as the similarities and differences between JSP pages and servlets. Also introduces the Model-View-Controller design model and how it applies to JSP. Chapter 4 Describes where to get the JSP reference implementation (Apache Tomcat) and how to set it up on your system. Also explains how to install the book examples. Part II, JSP Application Development Chapter 5 Examines the JSP basics, such as how to create, deploy, and run a JSP page, as well as how to use the JSP elements to generate dynamic content. Chapter 6 Describes what a JavaBeans component is and how it can be used effectively in a JSP page. Chapter 7 Describes what a custom tag library is and how to deploy and use one, and introduces the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). Chapter 8 Explains how an HTML form can be used to send data to a web application and how to process the data using JavaBeans and JSTL, as well as what to be aware of when generating dynamic output. Chapter 9 Describes the kinds of errors you may encounter during development of a JSP-based application, and strategies and JSP features that help you deal with them. Chapter 10 Explains the JSP features that let you separate different types of processing in different pages to simplify maintenance and further development. Also describes how sessions can build up information over a sequence of requests from the same user, and how information that applies to all users can be shared using the application scope. Chapter 11 Describes how you can develop actions for a custom tag library as tag files, i.e., regular text files with JSP elements. Chapter 12 Provides a quick overview of relational databases, JDBC, and SQL basics, and introduces the JSTL actions for reading, updating, and deleting database data. Chapter 13 Describes how authentication and access control can be implemented using container-provided and application-controlled mechanisms, and how to use the information about who the current user is to personalize the web pages. Chapter 14 Explains internationalization and localization, the Java features available to implement an internationalized application, and describes the set of JSTL actions that support development of multilingual web sites. Chapter 15 Explains how JSP can generate XML content as well as process XML input using the JSTL XML actions. Chapter 16 Describes the JSP elements that let you embed Java code directly in your JSP pages and the type of errors you must be prepared to deal with when you use this feature. Chapter 17 Covers various areas not discussed in previous chapters, such as using the JSP page XML syntax, combining JSP with client-side code, reusing JSP file segments by including them in JSP pages, precompiling JSP pages, and more. Part III, JSP in J2EE and JSP Component Development Chapter 18 Provides an overview of J2EE and web application architectures using JSP in combination with other Java technologies. Chapter 19 Describes in detail how JSP can be combined with servlets, as well as the listener and filter component types, using the popular Apache Struts framework. Chapter 20 Provides details about JavaBeans components as they relate to JSP, including threading and synchronization concerns for session and application scope beans, as well as how using JavaBeans components can make it easier to migrate to an EJB architecture. Chapter 21 Describes the JSP Tag Extension mechanism and how to use it to develop custom tag libraries, using many of the custom actions used in the previous chapters as examples. Chapter 22 Explains the more advanced features that can be leveraged by custom actions, such as developing cooperating actions, syntax and usage validation, attribute value type conversions, and more. Chapter 23 Describes all the integration hooks provided by the JSTL specification and how to develop custom actions, servlets, listeners, and filters that take advantage of them. Chapter 24 Provides a brief introduction to JDBC and explains the various strategies available for efficient use of databases in a web application, such as setting up a connection pool and making it available to the application components through the servlet context or JNDI, encapsulating database access code in separate classes or in custom actions, and more. Part IV, Appendixes Appendix A Contains descriptions of all standard JSP 2.0 elements. Appendix B Contains descriptions of all standard JSTL 1.1 elements, programming interfaces, and support classes. Appendix C Contains a description of the JSP EL syntax and rules. Appendix D Contains descriptions of all implicit objects available in a JSP page as defined by the servlet and JSP APIs, as well as the tag extension mechanism classes and interfaces. Appendix E Contains a description of the custom actions, beans, and utility classes used in the examples. Appendix F, Web Application Structure and Deployment Descriptor Reference
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基于jsp的web学生成绩管理系统 jsp+oracle+servlet
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2021-05-19 22:44:08 2.12MB JSP java
英文教程 JavaServer Pages, Third Edition is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the 2.0 version of the JSP specification. It also includes detailed coverage of the major revisions to the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) specification. Combining plenty of practical advice with detailed coverage of JSP syntax and features and clear, useful examples, JavaServer Pages, Third Edition demonstrates how to embed server-side Java into Web pages, while also covering important topics such as JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and JDBC database access.
2021-05-08 16:38:47 2.11MB JSP
学生信息查询网页的jsp设计:(1)建立一个班级数据库,数据库中应有班级的基本信息,如通讯录、成绩单等。 (2)制作一个动态网页,该网页能够接收用户信息,并根据用户要求把后台数据库信息发布到前端的浏览器。 (3)在网页中提供各种查询功能。
2021-05-06 21:16:08 109KB jsp