基于Java通讯开发jms源代码 (jms通讯开发源码) java,net,socket,通讯开发,jms /* * @(#)Message.java 1.60 02/04/09 * * Copyright 1997-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ import java.util.Enumeration; public interface Message { String getJMSMessageID() throws JMSException; void setJMSMessageID(String id) throws JMSException; long getJMSTimestamp() throws JMSException; void setJMSTimestamp(long timestamp) throws JMSException; byte [] getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes() throws JMSException; void setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes(byte[] correlationID) throws JMSException; String getJMSCorrelationID() throws JMSException; Destination getJMSReplyTo() throws JMSException; void setJMSReplyTo(Destination replyTo) throws JMSException; Destination getJMSDestination() throws JMSException; void setJMSDestination(Destination destination) throws JMSException; int getJMSDeliveryMode() throws JMSException; void setJMSDeliveryMode(int deliveryMode) throws JMSException; boolean getJMSRedelivered() throws JMSException; void setJMSRedelivered(boolean redelivered) throws JMSException; String getJMSType() throws JMSException; void setJMSType(String type) throws JMSException; long getJMSExpiration() throws JMSException; void setJMSExpiration(long expiration) throws JMSException; int getJMSPriority() throws JMSException; void setJMSPriority(int priority) throws JMSException; void clearProperties() throws JMSException; boolean propertyExists(String name) throws JMSException; boolean getBooleanProperty(String name) throws JMSException; byte getByteProperty(String name) throws JMSException; short getShortProperty(String name) throws JMSException; int getIntProperty(String name) throws JMSException; long getLongProperty(String name) throws JMSException; float getFloatProperty(String name) throws JMSException; double getDoubleProperty(String name) throws JMSException; String getStringProperty(String name) throws JMSException; Object getObjectProperty(String name) throws JMSException; Enumeration getPropertyNames() throws JMSException; void setBooleanProperty(String name, boolean value) throws JMSException; void setByteProperty(String name, byte value) throws JMSException; void setShortProperty(String name, short value) throws JMSException; void setIntProperty(String name, int value) throws JMSException; void setLongProperty(String name, long value) throws JMSException; void setFloatProperty(String name, float value) throws JMSException; void setDoubleProperty(String name, double value) throws JMSException; void setStringProperty(String name, String value) throws JMSException; void setObjectProperty(String name, Object value) throws JMSException; void acknowledge() throws JMSException; void clearBody() throws JMSException; } 通讯开发必备源码资料!
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